No room for windmills according to De Liberalen | Bunnik News

No room for windmills according to De Liberalen |  Bunnik News

On Thursday evening September 23, 2021, the Liberals voted for RES 1.0 after the removal of the search area for a windmill in Bunnik. At the moment, the Liberals do not see a place for a windmill in Bunnik. “We are responding to the widespread unrest in our villages over the arrival of windmills a short distance from our villages,” …

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The iPhone battery drains very quickly thanks to the Spotify app

The iPhone battery drains very quickly thanks to the Spotify app

These are issues with the Spotify app on iPhones with the two most recent iOS versions: iOS 14.8 and iOS 15. These versions appeared thirteen and six days ago, respectively. Many users have since complained on social media and forums about the increased battery consumption. On his own forum Spotify now recognizes complaints. The company says it is aware of …

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Putin believes NATO, US cross ‘red line’ with military exercise in Ukraine

Putin believes NATO, US cross 'red line' with military exercise in Ukraine

Image of Western Ukraine from the NATO-U.S. Rapid Trident 2021 exercise.Reuters Image Putin met his Belarusian counterpart Lukashenko on Monday about NATO’s “increased activity” in Ukraine. Ukrainian units began military exercises with NATO and US troops last week. Four thousand Ukrainian soldiers and two thousand Western soldiers are participating in the maneuvers. The exercise, Rapid Trident 2021, follows a large-scale …

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Cyprus ends segregation requirements for France, Spain, Netherlands and Portugal

Cyprus ends segregation requirements for France, Spain, Netherlands and Portugal

Cypriot authorities have announced that travelers from France, Spain, the Netherlands, Portugal and Uruguay are now exempt from double checking and that these countries must impose isolation requirements as they are exempt from the red category. However, those of orange type from the above countries are required to present a PCR carried out 72 hours before entering Cyprus, reports …

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Sport Kort: Juventus without attackers Dybala and Morata for now | sport

Sport Kort: Juventus without attackers Dybala and Morata for now |  sport

Keep up to date with all sports news. We have set up special pages on our website for news from football, tennis, skating, motorsport, cycling and darts, on which the most important topics of these sports are highlighted. In this Sport Kort section, the other posts are mainly covered. Juventus without attackers Dybala and Morata for the moment 4:37 p.m.: …

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IPhone 13’s New Video Mode Delivers Dramatic Results

IPhone 13's New Video Mode Delivers Dramatic Results

IPhone 13 Pro.Apple image Take your word for it: every year when Apple introduces its new phones, we proudly say that we are dealing with the best iPhones in history. An open door that the manufacturer pushes down with all love. And of course the iPhone 13 even better than the 12, although this time it is necessary to look …

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News from the United States: Tribe is fired

News from the United States: Tribe is fired

Jaap Stam was fired as a coach of FC Cincinnati. The American Major League Soccer club announced it on Monday. The club hold Stam responsible for the poor results achieved by the team. Deputy Saïd Bakkati, led in MLS by Stam, and Yoann Damet must also clear the field. Youth coach Tyrone Marshall is taking the honors for now and …

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BEIJING: Release the Hawaiian driver diplomatic victory

BEIJING: Release the Hawaiian driver diplomatic victory

BEIJING: Release the Hawaiian driver for diplomatic success China sees the release of Hawaii executive Meng Wancho as a diplomatic victory. This was stated in a statement issued by the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The ministry said the release was directed by Chinese President Xi Jinping. When China released two Canadians at the same time, a ministry spokesman said …

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Hundreds of thousands of American homes with no power after Storm Henri

Hundreds of thousands of American homes with no power after Storm Henri

The storm made landfall in the US state of Rhode Island, but Henry’s effects are also being felt in the states of New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Vermont and New Hampshire. The Dutch in New York told RTL Nieuws yesterday how they were preparing for the onset of the storm. Flooded streets A hurricane was expected, but as Henri …

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Nowhere is the sky wider, the space wider

Nowhere is the sky wider, the space wider

The bus has not accelerated for a minute and yet everything seems smaller. The gas station with the gigantic neon lighting, which was as big as America. The farms lasted indefinitely, up to the Wad and possibly beyond. The pier stretched so deep into the sea that you felt like you were in England. A week ago, I was back …

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American golfers continue to dominate the Ryder Cup | sport

American golfers continue to dominate the Ryder Cup |  sport

Captain Steve Stricker’s team are trying to win back the prestigious European Cup, which won the last Ryder Cup in Paris in 2018. Last year the Continental Battle was called off due to the crown. Europe has won four of the last five editions. America was also stronger on Saturday in the foursomes (where two players alternate with the same …

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Iceland secures majority of women in parliament after elections

Iceland secures majority of women in parliament after elections

The general elections in Iceland marked a European first: for the first time, more women than men were elected to parliament, the so-called Althingi. The final result was announced on Sunday, Reuters news agency reported. The current coalition of the Left-Green Movement of Prime Minister Katrín Jakobsdóttir, the Conservative Independence Party and the Center-Farm Progressive Party, have won 37 seats …

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Chechnya tightens entry restrictions for unvaccinated Lithuanians

Chechnya tightens entry restrictions for unvaccinated Lithuanians

Passengers from Lithuania wishing to enter the Czech Republic will face strict entry restrictions from Monday, September 27, as the country has been added to the list of dark red or high-risk countries. All travelers from countries classified as dark red and red must be tested before and after arriving in Chechnya and double-tested, and upon arrival they are subjected …

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