Netflix launches online store with exclusive products

Netflix online store by Niels Saelenspublished on Friday 11 June 2021 at 21:07 • 2 read less Now you can buy official merchandise from your favorite Netflix series in the United States. These are exclusive, limited edition versions of clothing and other products. Initially, it will only be an American online store, if it is successful, it can also be extended to …

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New Zealand selects transgender people for Olympics

New Zealand selects transgender people for Olympics

Transgenderatleet Laurel Hubbard. Image: Dutch Height / AFP Transgender athlete Laurel Hubbard has been selected for the New Zealand women’s team competing in the Tokyo Olympics. She will compete in weightlifting. Hubbard, 43, competed in men’s competitions before changing genders in 2013, becoming the first transgender to compete in the Games. Her entry is possible because the weightlifting governing body …

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Young Cambodian environmental activists arrested after reporting pollution: possible 10 years in prison | Abroad

Young Cambodian environmental activists arrested after reporting pollution: possible 10 years in prison |  Abroad

Cambodian justice has charged three young environmentalists with conspiring against the government and insulting the king. The three members of the Mother Nature group were arrested after discovering that garbage had ended up in a river near Phnom Penh. Cambodian law against insulting the king is relatively new. It is not clear exactly how the activists allegedly insulted the king. …

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The Netherlands is the EU’s largest meat exporter

The Netherlands is the EU's largest meat exporter

After the Netherlands, Spain, Germany, Poland and Denmark are the largest exporters of meat to the European Union. The Netherlands is the largest exporter of beef and veal, the second largest exporter of poultry (after Poland) and the fourth largest exporter of pork (after Spain, Germany and Denmark). The main destinations for Dutch meat exports are Germany (mainly beef and …

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Dozens of countries demand UN chief access to Uyghur prison camps

Dozens of countries demand UN chief access to Uyghur prison camps

More than 40 countries have urged China to immediately allow the UN chief for human rights in the Xinjiang region. Countries want to investigate reports that the Uyghur minority is being forced to do forced labor or illegally detained and tortured. “Credible reports indicate that over a million people are randomwillekeurig tenuous in Xinjiang and that there is widespread surveillance …

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Vice President Harris to Migrants: Don’t Come to the United States | Abroad

Vice President Harris to Migrants: Don't Come to the United States |  Abroad

US Vice President Kamala Harris has urged potential migrants not to travel to the United States. She did so in Guatemala on her first international working visit. Harris hopes they won’t emigrate if living conditions improve in their country. Harris warns migrants will be turned away at the US border. “Don’t come,” she said at a press conference with Guatemalan …

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GMAT Structure, Benefits and Practice Tests: Joining a Community of Successful Individuals

The GMAT, or Graduate Management Admission Test, forms a part of applying for admission in business schools. It is a computer-adaptive, computer-based, and multiple-choice standardized exam that is usually required for admission to MBA or graduate business programs globally.It is developed, maintained, and sponsored by GMAC, which is the test maker. The GMAT is meant to equip business schools across …

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Kim Kardashian puts Kanye West in the spotlight | gossip

Kim Kardashian puts Kanye West in the spotlight |  gossip

In addition to a photo of Kanye, with whom she has four children, the reality TV star also shares footage of her late father Robert Kardashian, brother Rob, Caitlyn Jenner, Scott Disick, Tristan Thompson and Travis Scott. Happy Father’s Day to all the big dads in our lives! I love you unconditionally !!! ”she wrote. Although she honors her ex …

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Efficient use of space in the home

Efficient use of space in the home Sometimes we need to effectively manage the space we have at home. Sometimes you have more stuff than you think or, say, extra stuff for a hobby or for work. All of these things must of course all have a nice place in the house. There are countless tips on the internet on …

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American arrested for stealing 20,000 kilos of pistachios

American arrested for stealing 20,000 kilos of pistachios

US police arrested a man for stealing nearly 20,000 kilograms of pistachios. The shipment went missing earlier this month, but detectives recovered the nuts over the weekend. This is reported by police in Tulare County, between San Francisco and Los Angeles. A Terra Bella pistachio company recently discovered that a significant amount of pistachios were missing. An investigation led to …

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Four major cities want to abolish slavery as a national holiday

Four major cities want to abolish slavery as a national holiday

The evening wore on at the Slave Memorial in Rotterdam.Image ANP Alderman of Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The Hague and Utrecht argue for this in a letter to the House Committee on the Interior. With the national holiday, Alderman wants to make sure the Netherlands reflects the history of Dutch slavery every year. ‘By remembering society, society takes responsibility, but it also …

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