Harold Manning

"Infuriatingly humble social media ninja. Devoted travel junkie. Student. Avid internet lover."

Facebook needs more time to decide whether to allow Trump’s return | Technology

Facebook needs more time to decide whether to allow Trump’s return |  Technology

Facebook parent company Meta needs more time to decide whether Donald Trump is welcome on the platform. The former President of the United States was banned from the platform in early 2021 for allegedly praising Capitol Storms. Meta previously said he would decide by January 7, 2023 whether Trump would be allowed to return to Facebook, two years after his …

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UK branch of Extinction Rebellion ends civil disobedience protests

UK branch of Extinction Rebellion ends civil disobedience protests

Extinction Rebellion activists chained themselves to a car in central London in spring 2022.ImageREUTERS “We’re stopping,” were the opening words of a video the UK branch of climate action group Extinction Rebellion posted to Twitter on New Year’s morning. They’re not really stopping, it turns out. the explanation on the group’s website, but they stop at what has made environmental …

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North Korea reorganizes the entire army command | BNR news radio

North Korea reorganizes the entire army command |  BNR news radio

International•1 Jan ’23 14:13Author: Remy Coq North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un has carried out a major reorganization of the country’s leadership and military. This reports Bloomberg. The reorganization follows his pledge to increase North Korea’s nuclear power by 2023. North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un has carried out a major reorganization of the country’s leadership and military. (APE) A …

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From today, without passport control and with euros to Croatia

From today, without passport control and with euros to Croatia

Reuters ONS News•today, 07:24 From today, Croatia is a member of the euro countries and the country joins the Schengen zone. This means that travelers from one of the other 26 so-called Schengen countries no longer have to go through passport control and that payments can be made in euros. Anyone traveling to Croatia from one of the euro countries …

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Russian correspondent Iris de Graaf named Language State Master 2022

Russian correspondent Iris de Graaf named Language State Master 2022

Ida Albertsboer ONS News•yesterday, 1:29 p.m.•Amended yesterday, 1:39 p.m. NOS correspondent Iris de Graaf goes on a radio show The state of the tongue named Taalstaatmeester 2022. The Russian correspondent received the award in the studio by presenter Frits Spits. The award is for someone who has excelled in the last year due to their use of the language. The …

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Venezuelan opposition leader Guaidó, once recognized as president by the US and EU, leaves through the side door

Venezuelan opposition leader Guaidó, once recognized as president by the US and EU, leaves through the side door

Venezuelan interim president Juan Guaidó.ImageREUTERS Three of the four main opposition parties on Friday ended the “interim government” that Guaidó had led for four years. The parties want to take a new course due to the 2024 presidential election and are unconvinced that Guaidó can compete successfully against authoritarian President Nicolás Maduro. In 2019, Guaidó, speaker of parliament, declared himself …

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Venezuelan opposition deposes interim president Guaidó: too little success against Maduro | Abroad

Venezuelan opposition deposes interim president Guaidó: too little success against Maduro |  Abroad

After nearly four years, the Venezuelan opposition has withdrawn its support for self-declared interim president Juan Guaidó. MPs from three of the four main opposition parties voted overwhelmingly on Friday to oust Guaidó from the interim presidency and give responsibility for the self-declared transitional government to a committee. Guaidó, who has become internationally known as an opponent of the authoritarian …

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UN asks International Court of Justice to review Israeli occupation

UN asks International Court of Justice to review Israeli occupation

PA ONS News•today, 02:26 The United Nations General Assembly asks the International Court of Justice (IGH) in The Hague to examine the legal consequences of the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories. The UN wants the ICJ to issue a so-called judicial opinion. The issue was voted on by the General Assembly, with 87 countries in favour. A number of …

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$1m in 2018, but nothing in 2020: Trump’s tax returns made public | Abroad

$1m in 2018, but nothing in 2020: Trump’s tax returns made public |  Abroad

The United States House of Representatives has released Donald Trump’s tax returns for the past few years. It shows that the former president only paid $750 to the taxman in 2017. In 2020, he didn’t even pay any taxes at all. Democrats believe that the US tax authorities did not sufficiently verify the declarations. What has now been released is …

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Space company Musk asked NASA to save astronauts from the ISS | Technology

Space company Musk asked NASA to save astronauts from the ISS |  Technology

NASA has reported whether Elons Musk’s aerospace company SpaceX can save astronauts from the International Space Station, the news agency reports. Reuters. The Russian Soyuz capsule with which the crew would return could no longer be usable due to a leak. NASA has asked SpaceX if it is possible to deploy the Dragon Crew capsule to recover the crew, confirms …

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