Harold Manning

"Infuriatingly humble social media ninja. Devoted travel junkie. Student. Avid internet lover."

A tyranny of the majority threatens to emerge in Israel

A tyranny of the majority threatens to emerge in Israel

Reuters Protesters fear that the reforms the cabinet wants to implement will harm democracy and harm public opinion ultra-right make it easier for the government to implement controversial plans. To what extent are these concerns justified? Supreme Court offside The most criticized reform concerns the rule of law. A majority of parliament should soon be able to pass laws that …

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Evacuations due to ‘record’ flooding in Australia’s northwest

Evacuations due to ‘record’ flooding in Australia’s northwest

Reuters ONS News•today, 08:53 Hundreds of people have been evacuated from areas cut off by flooding in northwestern Australia. The Kimberley, a sparsely populated region in the state of Western Australia, has been ravaged by the aftermath of Hurricane Ellie, which brought heavy rain. “People in the Kimberley experience flooding once every 100 years, the worst flood Western Australia has …

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Large demonstration in Tel-Aviv against the new ultra-right government in Israel | Abroad

Large demonstration in Tel-Aviv against the new ultra-right government in Israel |  Abroad

Several thousand people took to the streets of the Israeli city of Tel Aviv on Saturday evening. They demonstrate against the new far-right government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Protesters gathered in the center of the Israeli coastal city and howled through the streets. They waved Israeli flags and carried banners with texts against the far-right cabinet installed at the …

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Injured in protests against the Peruvian government | Abroad

Injured in protests against the Peruvian government |  Abroad

Violent clashes between demonstrators and security forces erupted again as new demonstrations against the Peruvian government. Three officers were injured and were airlifted to the capital Lima for treatment. Protests around the country erupted again on Wednesday. More than 40 people have been injured since then, the health ministry said. On Friday, protesters threw stones at police. They also attempted …

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London amateur archaeologist solves Ice Age mystery

London amateur archaeologist solves Ice Age mystery

AFP ONS News•today, 5:15 p.m. Dashes, dots and Y-shaped marks on animal murals made by hunter-gatherers over 20,000 years ago: archaeologists knew they had to mean something, but what? Ben Bacon, a cabinet maker and amateur archaeologist from London, asked himself the same question and became fascinated by the images of our ancestors during the Weichselian, the last ice age. …

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British veterans horrified by Prince Harry’s Afghanistan revelation

British veterans horrified by Prince Harry’s Afghanistan revelation

AFP ONS News•today, 13:14•Amended today, 14:12 Prince Harry angered British veterans when he revealed he killed more than 20 Taliban fighters while serving in Afghanistan. He writes about it in his autobiography which will be released next week, but already yesterday in Spanish bookshops lengthen. Harry served two terms in the British Army in Afghanistan. The last time (2012-2013) was …

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South Carolina Supreme Court upholds abortion rights

South Carolina Supreme Court upholds abortion rights

Abaca press ONS News•today, 03:15 a.m. The South Carolina Supreme Court has lifted the state’s abortion ban. Abortion rights came under pressure in the United States last year after a controversial ruling by the National Supreme Court. Roe v. Wade’s ruling that granted women in every US state the right to abortion for nearly five decades has been overturned. Because …

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