Harold Manning

"Infuriatingly humble social media ninja. Devoted travel junkie. Student. Avid internet lover."

Here’s what we know about the classified documents found with Joe Biden | Abroad

Here’s what we know about the classified documents found with Joe Biden |  Abroad

Door Robbert van der Linde 13 jan 2023 om 13:16Update: een uur geleden This week it was reported that US President Joe Biden had left sensitive documents lying around private buildings at least twice. Critics compare the case to classified documents previously found on Biden’s predecessor, Donald Trump. But this comparison does not quite hold. Here’s what we know about …

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members of the security services complicit in the assault

members of the security services complicit in the assault

AFP ONS News•today, 00:49 Members of the Brazilian security services are complicit in the storming of government buildings last weekend in Brasilia. So says Brazilian President Lula, who has announced that he will remove all fanatical supporters of his predecessor Bolsonaro from the security services. “There are a lot of accomplices within the military police, within the armed forces,” Lula …

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Fire in the Brussels squat where hundreds of migrants live

Fire in the Brussels squat where hundreds of migrants live

Brussels fire brigade ONS News•today, 15:51 In Brussels, a fire raged in a building where hundreds of asylum seekers and refugees have illegally taken refuge. The fire was quickly brought under control and several people were slightly injured. Hundreds of migrants have been living for several months in the former Belgian tax office in the Brussels municipality of Schaerbeek, often …

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Oil leader to chair Dubai climate conference

Oil leader to chair Dubai climate conference

AFP ONS News•today, 11:02 The chairman of the board of directors of the largest oil company in the United Arab Emirates will lead the international climate conference COP28. The conference is in Dubai at the end of this year. Sultan al-Jaber (49) has been the Emirates’ climate envoy for many years and also heads the oil company Abu Dhabi National …

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UK paramedics strike again for higher pay

UK paramedics strike again for higher pay

APE ONS News•yesterday, 6:31 p.m. British paramedics are on strike for the second time in a short time. Like last time, paramedics, nurses and dispatchers are demanding pay rises because inflation is soaring. Ambulances move in life-threatening situations, but for less urgent trips, they stay in the garage. Patients are then faced with the question of whether they can organize …

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Russia’s new commander in Ukraine looks set to scale up

Russia’s new commander in Ukraine looks set to scale up

AFP ONS News•today, 21:48 Graafian iris Russia Correspondent Graafian iris Russia Correspondent Once again, the cards are reshuffled at the Russian Defense Ministry: Valeri Gerasimov, the Chief of the General Staff of the Russian army, has been appointed as the new commander of the Russian armed forces in Ukraine. It paid off RIA Novosti based on sources within the Russian …

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Biden surprised by the discovery of secret documents

Biden surprised by the discovery of secret documents

AFP ONS News•today, 11:36 US President Biden is surprised by the discovery of classified documents in his former office in Washington. He said so at a press conference in Mexico City. “I have been informed of the discovery and I am surprised that government documents have been brought to this office,” he answered questions from reporters during a state visit. …

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Australian Cardinal Pell (81), who was acquitted of abuse, dies | Abroad

Australian Cardinal Pell (81), who was acquitted of abuse, dies |  Abroad

Cardinal George Pell of Australia has died aged 81. According to members of the Catholic Church, he died of heart complications following recent hip surgery. Pell was treasurer of the Vatican until he was tried for pedophilia in 2017. The lawsuit related to abuse in the 1990s when Pell was Archbishop of Melbourne. During this period, he allegedly sexually assaulted …

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Secret government documents discovered in Biden’s private office

Secret government documents discovered in Biden’s private office

Lawyers for US President Joe Biden have found several secret government documents in a private office dating back to his tenure as vice president. The coins were discovered last fall in the Washington office, they write American media overnight Monday to Tuesday based on a statement from Biden’s attorney. The documents have since been handed over to the National Archives. …

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Secret vice presidential documents found in Biden’s private office

Secret vice presidential documents found in Biden’s private office

Reuters ONS News•today, 03:15 Lawyers for US President Biden found a dozen classified documents in November in his private office at a Washington think tank. The documents date from when Biden was vice president (from 2009 to 2017) of the United States, a White House lawyer reports. The documents were found the day before the start of the midterm elections. …

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