Harold Manning

"Infuriatingly humble social media ninja. Devoted travel junkie. Student. Avid internet lover."

Russian owner Nord Stream allowed to investigate further damage | Economy

Russian owner Nord Stream allowed to investigate further damage |  Economy

Door onze economieredactie 10 nov 2022 om 19:22 Nord Stream AG, the partly Russian operator of the Nord Stream 1 gas pipeline, is authorized to investigate damage to the pipeline in Danish waters. The company has received permission from the Danish authorities. The operator was previously licensed to conduct research in Swedish waters. Explosions were recorded at the end of …

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Research: Liquefied Gas Investments Jeopardize Climate Goals | climate

Research: Liquefied Gas Investments Jeopardize Climate Goals |  climate

10 nov 2022 om 09:03 Global investments in liquefied natural gas (LNG) infrastructure threaten to undermine climate goals. There will be far more LNG capacity than we need if we want to limit global warming. This is clear from an analysis that Climate Action Tracker will publish on Thursday during the climate summit in Egypt. With Russia having sharply reduced …

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Hurricane Nicole is heading towards the east coast of Florida

Hurricane Nicole is heading towards the east coast of Florida

APE ONS News•today, 01:16 In the US state of Florida, evacuations have been ordered in several locations due to an approaching hurricane. The hurricane previously passed through the Bahamas as a tropical storm. There, 860 people had to seek refuge elsewhere. Wind speeds of 120 kilometers per hour have been measured and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) now …

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Dutchman rescued after a freezing night in the inhospitable mountains of Bosnia: “We were afraid” | Abroad

Dutchman rescued after a freezing night in the inhospitable mountains of Bosnia: “We were afraid” |  Abroad

Two Dutch men have been released unharmed after getting lost in the inhospitable Bosnian mountains yesterday. After a frightening night in freezing cold, they were rescued by the huge Bosnian emergency services. Chiel de Groot and Eline Aarts (25) from Rotterdam, recent graduates, are on a trip to the Balkans. Yesterday they decided to take a walk in the Visocica …

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Hottest October on record in Europe

Hottest October on record in Europe

AFP ONS News•yesterday, 7:14 p.m.•Amended yesterday, 8:50 p.m. Last month was the hottest October on record in Europe. Temperatures across most of Europe were two degrees above average between 1991 and 2020, reports Europe’s Copernicus Climate Change Service. Only in Iceland and Turkey were temperatures just below average. Europe was 1.92 degrees warmer than the October average between 1991 and …

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Former South Korean leader abandons Kim Jong-un’s dogs | Abroad

Former South Korean leader abandons Kim Jong-un's dogs |  Abroad

Former South Korean President Moon Jae-in has given up two dogs he received as gifts from North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, South Korean news agency Yonhap reported. The four-legged friends are back with the South Korean state because Moon would not receive any aid for care. The North Korean pungsan breed hunting dogs were given to Moon in 2018 as …

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Swedish apartment sold with deceased resident still in it

Swedish apartment sold with deceased resident still in it

ONS News•yesterday, 9:24 p.m. Buying an abandoned apartment in Sweden brought a macabre surprise to the new owner: the former owner. Not only did the elderly resident appear to have been dead in his home for years, but he was also missed during the assessment and viewings of the apartment. The Gothenburg home went up for sale in May after …

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