Harold Manning

"Infuriatingly humble social media ninja. Devoted travel junkie. Student. Avid internet lover."

Thousands of Turks Demonstrate in Istanbul Against Mayor’s Jail Sentence | Abroad

Thousands of Turks Demonstrate in Istanbul Against Mayor's Jail Sentence |  Abroad

Thousands of Turks demonstrated in Istanbul against the prison sentence of Ekrem Imamoglu, the city’s mayor. He was sentenced to two years and seven months in prison on Wednesday for insulting government officials. The condemned mayor appealed. Imamoglu is seen as a potential rival to President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in next year’s elections. But if convicted, he cannot be politically …

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Nearly 800 tourists stuck in Machu Picchu in Peru | Abroad

Nearly 800 tourists stuck in Machu Picchu in Peru |  Abroad

Hundreds of tourists are trapped in the ancient Inca city of Machu Picchu in Peru. Trains are no longer running due to ongoing protests against new Peruvian President Dina Boluarte. The Foreign Office is advising Dutch people not to go on holiday to the South American country at this time. Last week, Boluarte’s predecessor, Pedro Castillo, was impeached after trying …

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European Parliament corruption case ‘involves too many Italians not to talk about ‘Italian work’

European Parliament corruption case 'involves too many Italians not to talk about 'Italian work'

Suspects caught in the act with briefcases full of money: in Italy, Qatargate is already considered the Mani Pulite of the 21st century. In the 1990s, Operation Clean Hands, a major investigation into political corruption in the Milan judiciary, shook Italian politics to its core. Thirty years later, a similar investigation into corruption shocks the European Parliament. To the dismay …

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Istanbul mayor jailed for 2.5 years for calling officials ‘crazy’ | Abroad

Istanbul mayor jailed for 2.5 years for calling officials 'crazy' |  Abroad

The mayor of Istanbul was sentenced to two years and seven months in prison. Ekrem Imamoglu, political opponent of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, was found guilty of insulting members of the electoral council, whom he called “crazy”. The 52-year-old politician from the opposition CHP party is also no longer allowed to be politically active, the judge said. Imamoglu is …

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South African parliament votes against impeachment of President Ramaphosa

South African parliament votes against impeachment of President Ramaphosa

APE ONS News•yesterday, 6:48 p.m. The South African parliament has blocked impeachment proceedings against President Ramaphosa. The president has received support from his own party, the African National Congress (ANC), despite allegations of theft and corruption. Last week it emerged that the ANC, which has a majority in parliament, stood behind the president. Today, four members of his party voted …

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Raid against German climate activists, prosecutor says ‘criminal group’

Raid against German climate activists, prosecutor says 'criminal group'

AFP ONS News•today, 6:43 p.m. The police searched members of the Generation Letzte, an organization of climate activists. A prosecutor considers this group to be a criminal organization because it has been carrying out sabotage actions since April at an oil refinery in the East German town of Schwedt/Oder, on the Polish border. The public prosecutor of this region therefore …

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Taylor Swift’s Shake It Off plagiarism trial dropped | Music

Taylor Swift's Shake It Off plagiarism trial dropped |  Music

Two songwriters have dropped charges against Taylor Swift. Sean Hall and Nathan Butler accused the singer in 2017 of plagiarism. She would have copied their lyrics in her number 1 hit Shake from 2014. Hall and Butler told the Los Angeles judge they would not pursue the case. The first hearing in the case was scheduled for January 17. It …

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Pakistani civilians killed on border with Afghanistan

Pakistani civilians killed on border with Afghanistan

AFP ONS News•today, 12:11 Six Pakistani civilians were killed and at least 17 injured in an attack on a busy border crossing between Pakistan and Afghanistan. According to Pakistan, Taliban regime forces attacked the Chaman border post unannounced with mortar shells and gunfire. Pakistani soldiers returned fire, killing one Afghan soldier and wounding 10. The Pakistani military condemned the attack. …

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