Harold Manning

"Infuriatingly humble social media ninja. Devoted travel junkie. Student. Avid internet lover."

Record ocean temperature again, while warm El Niño is yet to come

Record ocean temperature again, while warm El Niño is yet to come

Like the rest of the earth’s surface, the oceans are also warming due to the continued emission of greenhouse gases. Suddenly, climatic records are collapsing, it seems. Where the sea ice around Antarctica bottomed out not so long ago, it is now the turn of the global ocean: the sea surface has never been warmer since was measured. Usually, the …

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Trump walks out and back

Trump walks out and back

NC picture Tuesday was D-Day for Donald Trump: the former US president was due to appear in New York court to hear 34 charges. Bee One today The American journalist Tom van ‘t Eind offered an overview: under exciting music, he explained between a tangle of red threads in which possible Trump legal proceedings could become entangled. It was right …

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Search of the EPP headquarters in Brussels due to a corruption investigation against a German Christian Democrat | Abroad

Search of the EPP headquarters in Brussels due to a corruption investigation against a German Christian Democrat |  Abroad

On Tuesday, Belgian and German police raided the headquarters of the European People’s Party (EPP) in Brussels. According to German media, this happened in the context of a corruption investigation against CDU leader Mario Voigt (43) from the state of Thuringia. Investigators were looking for information and documents about Voigt’s work as head of digital election campaigning for the 2019 …

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More dead in Israeli airstrikes on Syria

More dead in Israeli airstrikes on Syria

ONS News•today, 01:57 Once again, Israeli airstrikes have claimed lives in Syria, reports Syrian state television. The victims are said to be two civilians killed in attacks south of the capital Damascus. Israel has yet to respond to the news, but almost never does in cases like this. The country regularly carries out attacks in Syria against targets that Israel …

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The Netherlands does not opt ​​for the famous Himars missile system, but for an Israeli alternative | Policy

The Netherlands does not opt ​​for the famous Himars missile system, but for an Israeli alternative |  Policy

The cabinet will not opt ​​for the American Himars, the missile system which has proven itself in Ukraine. The Netherlands buys the Israeli Puls system for more than 500 million euros. This will be available sooner and will eventually be able to launch European missiles. The cabinet already announced last October that the Netherlands is buying artillery rockets again for …

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Scientists have never seen a fish swim so deep underwater | Science

Scientists have never seen a fish swim so deep underwater |  Science

03 apr 2023 om 17:05Update: 11 minuten geleden A team of Japanese and Australian scientists filmed a fish exactly 8,336 meters deep. Never before had a fish been seen swimming so deep. According to lead researcher Alan Jamieson, the discovery showed that fish can live even deeper than we previously thought. The fish was filmed in the Izu-Bonin pit in …

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Former minister Jakov Milatovic becomes president of Montenegro | Abroad

Former minister Jakov Milatovic becomes president of Montenegro |  Abroad

02 apr 2023 om 23:33Update: 4 uur geleden Pro-Serbian Jakov Milatovic becomes the new president of Montenegro. By Sunday evening, two-thirds of the votes had been counted. Milatovic remains ahead of current President Milo Djukanovic with 60.1%. He had to settle for 39.9%. Djukanovic admitted defeat on Sunday night. On May 21, Mijatovic will succeed him. Milatovic is supported by …

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767 aborts takeoff after four minutes

767 aborts takeoff after four minutes

A United Airlines Boeing 767-300 returned home on Tuesday after an engine fire. The aircraft, registration N641UA, took off at 9 p.m. local time heading southeast en route to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Already during take off problems with the left engine occurred. Pilots of a Skywest plane behind the 767 noticed a fire in the affected engine and reported …

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