Harold Manning

"Infuriatingly humble social media ninja. Devoted travel junkie. Student. Avid internet lover."

Austrian police catch two Germans with fourteen human skulls in the trunk | Abroad

Austrian police catch two Germans with fourteen human skulls in the trunk |  Abroad

Austrian police surprised two Germans carrying 14 human skulls. Police discovered the skulls during an accidental traffic check. They were in the trunk. The skulls were stolen around 3 p.m. on Friday afternoon during a visit to a mass grave, where the remains of excavated graves are kept, in the village of Mölbling. This happened at a freely accessible memorial …

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Russia targets US in threatening new foreign policy

Russia targets US in threatening new foreign policy

Russia is fully committed to the fight against “American domination” in the world and the “anti-Russian activities” of foreign states. Furthermore, he will use the military if necessary to “deter and prevent” aggression against himself and his allies. Incidentally take Russia presidency of the UN Security Council for a month starting this weekend. The threatening words are at the heart …

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Ocean Currents On Earth Are Decreasing: Why It’s A Problem

Ocean Currents On Earth Are Decreasing: Why It’s A Problem

These are striking results of the Australian research: not only the speed of the ocean current in the northern hemisphere, but also that in the southern hemisphere is decreasing. The result: faster global warming and violent storms in Europe. The phenomenon has already been seen in the film Two days later from 2004: the ocean current in the northern hemisphere …

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Native Americans had horses very early

Native Americans had horses very early

Native Americans of the Great Plains of North America owned horses much earlier than previously believed. The horse was already “deeply integrated” into their way of life in the first half of the 17th century, before they came into contact with European settlers in their region. This writes a large group of American researchers in the review Science. Researchers, who …

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France bans electric scooters for children under 14 | Abroad

France bans electric scooters for children under 14 |  Abroad

France bans electric scooters for anyone under the age of 14. Additionally, fines for e-step violation will increase significantly. With this, the government hopes to limit the nuisance caused by the means of transport which have become extremely popular in a short time, but which also arouse resistance. The number of deaths and serious injuries due to accidents with electric …

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On a case-by-case basis, the activist insists on being climatically equal

On a case-by-case basis, the activist insists on being climatically equal

“We may be less famous than the youth climate movement, but we are many: we are the older women against climate change.” In a cool-looking campaign video, a group of older Swiss women say the words with confidence. This ‘KlimaSeniors’as they are called published on Wednesday before the “Grand Chamber” of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR). Activists are …

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Low temperatures and high humidity stabilize the Castellón forest fire

Low temperatures and high humidity stabilize the Castellón forest fire

The first major forest fire and devastating fire in Spain, which has been raging for almost a week in the provinces of Castellón in the Valencia region and Teruel in Aragon, is far from over. Nevertheless, people are optimistic because last night temperatures were low at around 5 degrees and there was high humidity of 80%, which helped stabilize the …

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German coalition settles dispute and reaches agreement on climate measures

German coalition settles dispute and reaches agreement on climate measures

FDP leader Christian Lindner (left), Greens chairman Ricarda Lang and SPD party chairman Lars Klingbeil after coalition talks in Berlin.Image access point The struggles within the German “traffic light coalition” of reds (social democrats), yellows (liberals) and greens (greens) are the result of the unusual composition of the current government coalition. The FDP and the Greens, normally diametrically opposed on …

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