Harold Manning

"Infuriatingly humble social media ninja. Devoted travel junkie. Student. Avid internet lover."

Three dead in an avalanche in northern Italy | Abroad

Three dead in an avalanche in northern Italy |  Abroad

Rescuers recovered three bodies in the northern Italian Alps on Friday morning. The victims died Thursday in an avalanche in the Valle d’Aosta region, near the French border. It would concern three participants in a high mountain guide training. The bodies were taken to the city of Aosta for identification. The course leader managed to free himself and gave the …

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Hungary withdraws from ‘Russian spy bank’ after US sanctions

Hungary withdraws from ‘Russian spy bank’ after US sanctions

The IIB headquarters in Budapest.ImageREUTERS When the bank moved its headquarters from Moscow to Budapest in 2019, all alarm bells rang among Western intelligence services. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s government, which at the time was strongly opposed to Russia, promised the organization full immunity from criminal prosecution. There was also no need to monitor the bank. The bank building …

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Unrest in France continues: more vandalism at pension protest | Abroad

Unrest in France continues: more vandalism at pension protest |  Abroad

In France, on the eleventh day of national demonstrations against the increase in the retirement age, acts of vandalism were provoked and dozens of demonstrators were arrested. There were also wounded. According to the authorities, 570,000 people demonstrated. Foreign publishers April 6, 2023 Last update: 06-04-23, 21:26 The Parisian police have their hands full with the protests against the increase …

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Manhunt for Australian after showing platypus on train | Outstanding

Manhunt for Australian after showing platypus on train |  Outstanding

06 apr 2023 om 13:29Update: 6 uur geleden In Australia, a man was arrested this week after a manhunt for catching a wild platypus. The man showed the animal on the train and in shops. He faces a hefty fine. Platypus are protected in Australia because they are threatened with extinction. Capturing them and holding them captive is a crime. …

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Former Vice President Pence may testify against Donald Trump

Former Vice President Pence may testify against Donald Trump

International•6 April ’23 07:39•Modified on 06 April ’23 09:27Author: Mark Van Harreveld Former Vice President Mike Pence will not appeal the call to testify in the investigation into former President Donald Trump and the January 2021 Capitol storming, a spokesperson for Pence said. “It’s really very valuable,” says US correspondent Jan Postma.

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