Thelma Binder

"Explorer. Devoted travel specialist. Web expert. Organizer. Social media geek. Coffee enthusiast. Extreme troublemaker. Food trailblazer. Total bacon buff."

Nafi Thiam starts his season well, however he is not fully satisfied: “It was a little confusing” | Athletes

Nafi Thiam starts his season well, however he is not fully satisfied: "It was a little confusing" |  Athletes

Within 2 months of the World Cup in the United States, Nafi Thiam (27) started his season at the Flanders Cup in Loreto. Two-time Olympic champion Heptathlon won the 100-meter hurdles in 13:58 minutes. Conditions in Logaren were good: pleasant sunshine and winds of 1.1 meters per second. With 13:58, Nafi Thiam came very close to his performance in Tokyo, …

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The United States, Japan, Australia and India have introduced surveillance systems to monitor China’s illegal fishing.

The United States, Japan, Australia and India have introduced surveillance systems to monitor China's illegal fishing.

(Reuters) – The United States, Japan, Australia and India will launch a maritime initiative to curb illegal fishing in the Indo-Pacific region at the Quartet Summit in Tokyo, the Financial Times reported on Saturday, citing a US official. He said the maritime initiative would use satellite technology to create a surveillance system for illegal fishing from the Indian Ocean to …

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Bloomberg: China wants Russia’s oil for strategic reserves


China is trying to replenish its strategic crude oil stockpile with cheap oil from Russia. The Bloomberg News Agency reports based on locals. Beijing is said to be in government-level talks with Moscow over further purchases of Russian oil. There will be no direct involvement of the oil companies in the negotiations. The foreign ministries of China and Russia were …

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Ramdin: Suriname and the United States both benefit from an equal relationship

Ramdin: Suriname and the United States both benefit from an equal relationship

Almost a year after their first bilateral conversation, Suriname and the United States reconsidered their relationship during the second edition of this annual consultation. The second bilateral meeting between the two countries’ representatives was held today at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Trade and International Cooperation (BIBIS). Minister Albert Ramdin looks back with satisfaction. According to him, Suriname and …

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Secret service agents from South Korea were sent home after the drunken incident

Secret service agents from South Korea were sent home after the drunken incident

Several reports suggest that two secret service personnel were deported from South Korea to the United States this week after a fight with a drunken local driver before President Biden’s trip to the country. ABC News A guard and armed bodyguard assigned to travel to Seoul to prepare for Biden’s arrival recently visited a restaurant and raided several liquor stores …

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Curved Pendrive Photos in Downtown Los Angeles

Curved Pendrive Photos in Downtown Los Angeles

In the United States, many things are bigger and more noticeable than they are here. This does not only apply to soft drinks, cars and plastic copies Daily things – Problems such as social inequality seem more and more distorted than in the Netherlands. This is painful to see in the fast-growing downtown of Los Angeles, where wealthy tech entrepreneurs …

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Choose which Palestinians to help? No one wants to be a refugee for 70 years

Choose which Palestinians to help?  No one wants to be a refugee for 70 years

Which Palestinians are most affected and do they urgently need help? The choice is wide. Palestinians who have been more or less confined to the Gaza Strip for years? Are Palestinians living in refugee camps in Lebanon or Syria, often the target of discrimination? Or maybe the Israeli military has carried out almost daily attacks in recent weeks and more …

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Russian airlines are not allowed to lose profitable seats

Russian airlines are not allowed to lose profitable seats

Russian airlines are not allowed to sell departure and landing rights at airports in the United Kingdom. This was announced by the British government. Aeroflot, Ural Airlines and Rossiya Airlines still hold the take-off and landing rights for British airports, all worth almost sixty million euros. As part of sanctions, Russian planes have been banned from the country’s airspace and …

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Great international pressure to supply more Groningen gas and Wadden gas –

Great international pressure to supply more Groningen gas and Wadden gas -

The United States and various countries in Europe are increasing pressure on the Netherlands to supply more gas. The European Commission says we should seriously consider blocking the supply of gas from Russia. Germany wants to emit more gas from the Groningen than is currently happening. For example, Wolfgang Kubicki, deputy speaker of the German parliament, believes that ‘Groningen’s natural …

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Asking the ‘clumsy’ UFO in the US Congress only raises more questions

Asking the 'clumsy' UFO in the US Congress only raises more questions

Scott Bray shows a ‘uap’ video in the US House of Representatives.Image AP It was a moment that summed up the one-and-a-half-hour session of the US House of Representatives. Scott Pray, deputy director of U.S. naval intelligence, spent five minutes trying to find just that one frame in a trembling video – it was filmed from the cockpit of a …

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