Thelma Binder

"Explorer. Devoted travel specialist. Web expert. Organizer. Social media geek. Coffee enthusiast. Extreme troublemaker. Food trailblazer. Total bacon buff."

Miami | Motorsport defeated Charles Leckler in

Miami |  Motorsport defeated Charles Leckler in

Naturally, he does good business in the rankings for the World Cup title, although Monegask finished second. His Spanish teammate from Ferrari finished the stage in the United States. With his win, Verstappen narrowed the gap with Leclerc to 19 points: 104 for 85. Verstappen recorded the fastest lap in Miami and scored the extra point. So this is the …

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Apple’s director of machine learning has resigned

Apple's director of machine learning has resigned

Ian Goodfellow, Apple’s director of machine learning, has resigned He has been with the company for over four years Who was one of Google’s best AI employees Margin Joe Schaefer⁇ Goodfellow released the message to employees in an email that his layoff was part of Apple’s plan to return to personal work, with employees required to work one day a …

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Washington rules NATO and EU –

Washington rules NATO and EU -

According to Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, NATO and the EU have resigned themselves to Washington’s supremacy. According to him, all countries believe that it is only worth listening to the United States exclusively, he said in an interview with the Italian broadcaster Mediaset, distributed by the Russian state news agency TASS. “And both NATO and the EU have resigned …

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US to repeal abortion rights – Jup

US to repeal abortion rights - Jup

Jako 38May 3, 2022 – 9:10 p.m. It is possible, and understand your opinion in favor of abortion, but from the US point of view it is very strange that abortion law is subject to federal regulation, and there is a protracted debate as to whether it applies to the autonomy of states. The United States has not abolished anything, …

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U.S. judge fines BitMEX founders $ 30 million

U.S. judge fines BitMEX founders $ 30 million

All three founders of BitMEX have been fined by a US judge for serious violations of the rules and the Commodity Exchange Act. It relates to a $ 30 million fine that ends partly on former CEO Arthur Hayes’ plate. $ 10 million each Arthur Hayes, Benjamin Delo and Samuel Reid have been ordered to pay a $ 10 million …

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Dutch guerrillas in the United States are starting a new life based on it …

Nederlands carillon in VS begint nieuw leven aan de hand van Frank Steijns en André Rieu

Frank Staines. Image: Peter Scholes The Dutch guerrilla will be officially re-dedicated in Washington on Thursday. The Netherlands donated it to the United States in the early 1950s, thanks to its contribution to the liberation of the Netherlands from the Nazi occupation and subsequent redemption. The instrument, found in Arlington National Cemetery, was …

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The US holding of the Democratic Conference is a little painful

The US holding of the Democratic Conference is a little painful

After all, President Joe Biden is anti-Trump. When he wrote an article in a magazine in the spring of 2020 Foreign policy He explained what he would do for foreign policy if elected president, and began by summarizing what the then president had done wrong. The worst, according to Biden: “He has departed from the democratic values ​​that strengthen our …

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Hoekstra did not fall under the racist law of Amnesty CIDI

Hoekstra did not fall under the racist law of Amnesty CIDI

Last Friday, Foreign Minister Hoxtra sent a “compliment” on Amnesty International’s report on Israel. This is his answer to the parliamentary questions of Piz1 Force Simons. In short, the minister, on behalf of the Dutch cabinet, rejected Amnesty’s conclusions and concluded that “there is no question of racism.” Wopke Hoekstra, Minister of Foreign AffairsImage: © RVD – Valerie Kuypers and …

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40% of people in the world are severely affected

40% of people in the world are severely affected

About 40 percent of the earth’s land has suffered significant degradation due to poor management and misuse of soil, water and biodiversity. It directly affects half of the world’s population. If nothing changes, the situation will get worse, according to the United Nations. This warning is contained in the report Global Country Outlook 2 With verse Land restoration …

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Press Release – False legal documents often cause controversy

Press Release – LEUSDEN, May 5, 2022 – General terms and conditions, privacy statements, settlement agreements and employment agreements are things that entrepreneurs do not want to deal with. In practice, errors in these types of documents cause a lot of legal problems. So Legal Problem Solver ARAG Introduces a Service for Entrepreneurs with Updated Legal Documents. In practice, lawyers …

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