Harold Manning

"Infuriatingly humble social media ninja. Devoted travel junkie. Student. Avid internet lover."

Middle Eastern bloggers lead the way to the EU

Middle Eastern bloggers lead the way to the EU

The number of migrants trying to reach the EU via Belarus has risen sharply in recent months. This new route appears to be gaining popularity among migrants from the Middle East. Migrants who have already made the trip show each other the way. ” Take a power bank with you, if possible two or three, and make sure you buy …

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New Zealanders find huge potato and call it Doug

New Zealanders find huge potato and call it Doug

Colin and Donna Craig-Brown stumbled upon the oversized potato on their farm near the city of Hamilton. Colin was weeding when he felt something hard beneath the surface. Discovery With a manure fork, the New Zealander lifted the colossus out of the ground, not yet knowing what he had found. When Colin cut off a piece of skin and tasted …

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Worst ANC election results since the abolition of apartheid

Worst ANC election results since the abolition of apartheid

South Africa’s ruling ANC party had its worst election result since the abolition of apartheid in 1994. In municipal elections, the party won just 46% of the vote. This is considerably less than the previous low, in 2016, when the party of the late Nelson Mandela only managed to attract 54% of voters. Teased by the corruption scandals years and …

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Suspected accidentally released KFC robbery arrested again


Dervinio D. (19) confessed to the police, but was released. The 19-year-old suspect Dervinio D., who had previously been arrested for Flight at KFC Lalla Rookhweg and was accidentally released by police on Thursday October 14, was re-arrested last night after nearly 3 weeks. After the theft, Dervinio was arrested on the basis of company camera footage identified as suspect. …

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Suspect in Cleo kidnapping in Australia “acted alone” Abroad

Suspect in Cleo kidnapping in Australia "acted alone" Abroad

Toddler Cleo was found in the bedroom of a house on Wednesday after a major search. Australia was under the spell of the search for the girl for weeks. This disappeared from a tent 19 days ago while camping overnight. Detective Rod Wilde, who led the disappearance investigation, told reporters on Thursday that the suspect must be taken to hospital …

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Video promoting scarf removed after shaking | Abroad

Video promoting scarf removed after shaking |  Abroad

The human rights organization, of which the Netherlands is also a member, posted social media posts praising the hijab as a sign of diversity. For example, there is a split image of two women, one covered and the other uncovered, with the slogan: “Diversity is beauty, the hijab represents freedom. Particularly in France, where the separation between state and religion …

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Leaks of SMS Macron are another low in relations with Australia, according to France

Leaks of SMS Macron are another low in relations with Australia, according to France

Franco-Australian relations have reached an “unprecedented new low” with the leak of an SMS from French President Macron to Australian Prime Minister Morrison. French Ambassador to Australia Jean-Pierre Thebault said so in a speech to Australian journalists’ organization National Press Club. According to him, it is not clear how things should play out between countries in areas such as mutual …

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Belgian teacher bites the finger of a woman during a publicity dispute: the public prosecutor demands 100 hours of community service | Abroad

Belgian teacher bites the finger of a woman during a publicity dispute: the public prosecutor demands 100 hours of community service |  Abroad

The bite was so severe the woman had to undergo emergency surgery, her lawyer said, and still feels unwell two years later. The teacher’s defense argued that the man had “at most accidentally bitten” and that the consequences were “much less severe”. The fight took place on March 27, 2019, in a café in Merchtem, where the victim was present …

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Queen Elizabeth (95) Impresses With Her Climate Summit Speech: ‘We Are Not Doing This For Ourselves’ | Instagram show

Queen Elizabeth (95) Impresses With Her Climate Summit Speech: 'We Are Not Doing This For Ourselves' |  Instagram show

VIDEOBritain’s Queen Elizabeth II made a strong impression with her speech at the Glasgow Climate Summit. Parts of his speech go around the world. Foreign publishers Nov 2, 2021 Last update: 12:00 The British head of state called on world leaders present to “rise above the politics of the day”. In other words, not to prioritize your own national interests, …

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