Harold Manning

"Infuriatingly humble social media ninja. Devoted travel junkie. Student. Avid internet lover."

The EU has a sister: political union must unite European countries “from Ukraine to Iceland” | Abroad

The EU has a sister: political union must unite European countries “from Ukraine to Iceland” |  Abroad

The EU will have a new sister: a greater European political union in which the leaders of EU countries and third countries periodically explore the world. The first meeting could take place in Prague shortly after the summer. Prime Minister Rutte, an enthusiastic supporter of the idea that President Macron put on the table in early May, sees “the relationship …

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“Mount Everest” among the bacteria found in Guadeloupe

“Mount Everest” among the bacteria found in Guadeloupe

Virtually all bacteria need a microscope to see them, but scientists in the Caribbean have found a bacteria visible to the naked eye. It is a bacterium that has been given the name ‘Thiomargarita magnifica’. It is the largest bacterium ever discovered. The bacterium was found in several places in a mangrove forest on the island of Guadeloupe, a French …

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All EU leaders welcome accession candidates from Ukraine and Moldova | NOW

All EU leaders welcome accession candidates from Ukraine and Moldova |  NOW

Ukraine and Moldova are officially eligible for membership of the European Union. Charles Michel, President of the European Council, announced it Thursday evening. The heads of government of the 27 EU countries all agreed Thursday evening at a meeting of the European Council that Ukraine and Moldova are candidates for membership. Awarding membership to candidates is for now a rather …

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The Western Balkans also demand a European rapprochement: “Otherwise Russia will fill this space” | Abroad

The Western Balkans also demand a European rapprochement: “Otherwise Russia will fill this space” |  Abroad

EU summitThe Western Balkans (including Serbia, Kosovo and Albania) are also counting on a rapid rapprochement with Brussels now that Ukraine, Moldova and – with some delay – Georgia are fast becoming EU candidate countries later in the day. The six countries will make their case today at a summit with the EU’s 27 national leaders. “We are counting on …

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Election officials under pressure from Trump: ‘I had to find 11,780 votes’

Election officials under pressure from Trump: 'I had to find 11,780 votes'

Several officials say they came under pressure from Donald Trump and his team after the presidential election. They said so on Tuesday during the fourth hearing on the January 6, 2021, seizure of the Capitol in Washington. This happened especially in oscillating states, where Biden’s win was smallest. For example, Georgia State Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger received a phone …

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The French opposition wants to make it very difficult for President Macron

The French opposition wants to make it very difficult for President Macron

French opposition parties made it clear to President Macron that they would not make his life easier after the legislative elections on Sunday† The coalition to which Macron belongs lost the absolute majority, forcing him to compromise with the other parties. But it won’t be easy. The most logical cooperation partner for Macron is the conservative Les Républicains, the former …

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‘Network exposed with fake Putin companies: worth 4.28 billion’ | Abroad

'Network exposed with fake Putin companies: worth 4.28 billion' |  Abroad

Houses and other assets would be used by Putin. The newspaper discovered that these properties officially belong to different owners, companies and charities, but can be linked to each other through the same email domain name: LLCInvest.ru. In addition, various email exchanges show that different owners each time talked about an umbrella organization. one by The Guardian The quoted Russian …

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