Harold Manning

"Infuriatingly humble social media ninja. Devoted travel junkie. Student. Avid internet lover."

Court ruling gives Biden less power to cut emissions | NOW

Court ruling gives Biden less power to cut emissions |  NOW

The US Supreme Court has ruled that the government’s environmental agency cannot set limits on the amount of greenhouse gases that businesses and factories can emit. The move means President Joe Biden has limited powers to fight climate change. Six of nine chief justices voted against the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) emissions limits. The main objective was to reduce greenhouse …

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Putin: Western leaders would look ‘awful’ topless | NOW

Putin: Western leaders would look 'awful' topless |  NOW

Russian President Vladimir Putin gave a curious sneer to Western leaders on Thursday. Putin said these leaders would look “awful” if they went shirtless in public like him. Putin made the statement on Thursday during a visit to the Central Asian country Turkmenistan. He was responding to earlier comments by some Western leaders who had ridiculed him at the G7 …

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Indonesia stays behind Russia: “Putin desperately needs his country”

Indonesia lags behind Russia: 'Putin desperately needs country'

Indonesian President Joko Widodo will visit Putin in Moscow today. The two countries enjoy good relations and Indonesia does not want to prevent Russia from participating in the G20 summit later this year. Putin in Bali? The G20 summit is a summit that brings together the nineteen richest countries in the world and the European Union. The chair of the …

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The disappearance of Arjen Kamphuis remains a mystery: “It is only too fortuitous”

The disappearance of Arjen Kamphuis remains a mystery: "It is only too fortuitous"

to listen Spotify† Apple podcast† Google Podcasts and ART19† Arjen Kamphuis disappeared in August 2018 in the news† In 2019, the Norwegian police concluded that it was a canoe fatality went, but Kamphuis’ body was never found. Friends of the cybersecurity expert still have big question marks and unanswered questions. They tell their story in the Videoland series They know …

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“Russia’s soft power in Central Asia under pressure”

"Russia's soft power in Central Asia under pressure"

International†29 June ’22 14:09Author† BNR Web Editors Russian President Putin is on his first foreign trip since invading Ukraine. He visits Tajikistan and Turkmenistan and attends a summit of the countries bordering the Caspian Sea. “Everyone is watching Russia. Russia’s soft power in Central Asian countries is under pressure. This is the opinion of European journalist Geert Jan Hahn. The …

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Marijke prepares for tropical storm Curaçao: “It will be exciting”

Marijke komt uit Rijen maar woont tegenwoordig op Curaçaos (foto: Marijke Pelders/ANP).

Marijke Pelders prepares for Tropical Storm Bonnie in Curacao. It is expected to reach the ABC Islands next night and could become a hurricane. Marijke is originally from Rijen but now lives in Willemstad. “I have now removed all the loose things and stuff lying around in my garden,” Marijke said Wednesday morning on the radio program “Wakker!” on Omroep …

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Scottish Prime Minister sets date for new independence referendum

Scottish Prime Minister sets date for new independence referendum

AFP ONS News†yesterday, 9:04 p.m. Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has set the date for a new independence referendum on October 19, 2023. If it is up to the Prime Minister, the people will decide on that date whether or not Scotland should secede from the UK. United. It is a non-binding referendum. In a plebiscite in 2014, Scots voted …

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