Harold Manning

"Infuriatingly humble social media ninja. Devoted travel junkie. Student. Avid internet lover."

diplomats must leave the country

diplomats must leave the country

Direct air traffic between Bulgaria and Russia is no longer possible due to sanctions, but an exception has been made for a special flight on Sunday. Seventy Russian diplomats and their families boarded a plane to their homeland. Outgoing Prime Minister Kiril Petkov had shown them the door to espionage activities. This to the anger of the militant Russian ambassador …

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West African leaders lift sanctions on Mali and Burkina Faso

West African leaders lift sanctions on Mali and Burkina Faso

AFP ONS News†today, 02:51 The West African ECOWAS partnership lifts economic and financial sanctions against Mali and Burkina Faso. Sanctions against Guinea will stand, ECOWAS leaders agreed at a summit in Accra, the Ghanaian capital. Sanctions were imposed on the three countries last year because the government was overthrown by the military. For example, part of the sanctions was that …

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Civilian casualties during rare demonstrations in the autonomous region of Uzbekistan | NOW

Civilian casualties during rare demonstrations in the autonomous region of Uzbekistan |  NOW

In rare protests in Uzbekistan’s Autonomous Republic of Karakalpakstan, civilians clashed with security forces on Sunday. There were casualties on both sides, Uzbek President Shavkat Mirziyoyev reported. At least five people were killed, according to an exiled opposition member. Another government official previously said thousands of people had been hospitalized. The protests took place in the city of Nukus, the …

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Damage to Emirates A380 after ‘strong bang’ | Video

Damage to Emirates A380 after 'strong bang' |  Video

An Emirates Airbus A380 landed with a hole in its fuselage at Brisbane Airport earlier this weekend. The plane, registered A6-EVK, took off from Dubai International Airport at 03:10 local time. “About 30 to 45 minutes after takeoff we heard a loud bang. I turned to my wife and said whatever it would bother the pilots. It certainly didn’t sound …

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Dozens Released From Nigerian Church Awaiting Jesus’ Return

Dozens Released From Nigerian Church Awaiting Jesus' Return

ONS News†today, 11:48 Police in South West Nigeria have released 77 people held in a church for months. There they would have awaited the return of Jesus to earth. The pastor of the Ondo church and his deputy are arrested. They reportedly told people that the comeback would initially take place in April, but was now expected in September this …

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Thousands of Sydney residents evacuated over flood fears

Thousands of Sydney residents evacuated over flood fears

ABC ONS News†today, 03:20 Thousands of Sydney residents have been ordered to evacuate their homes, fearing further flooding. Australia’s biggest city has been battered by thunderstorms for days, and they will last at least until Monday, authorities say. On Saturday, the city’s lower southwest received four times more rain than normal for the entire month of July. “If you stay …

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Taliban call for international recognition in statement | Abroad

Taliban call for international recognition in statement |  Abroad

“We call on countries inside and outside the region, especially Islamic countries, to recognize the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, lift all sanctions, stop freezing funds and support the further development of Afghanistan,” the statement from the clergy read. In the statement, they fail to respond to demands the international community has made of the Taliban, such as the reopening of …

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Protesters storm the Libyan parliament building and set it on fire

Protesters storm the Libyan parliament building and set it on fire

ONS News†today, 00:36 Protesters broke into the Libyan parliament building in the eastern city of Tobruk. A fire broke out in and around the building. The North African country is politically split in two. Protesters are furious at the political deadlock, corruption and poor living conditions. People also took to the streets in the capital Tripoli. An eyewitness told the …

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Turkey blocks German and American media websites

Turkey blocks German and American media websites

LIT ONS News†today, 15:40 Mitra Nazar correspondent Turkey Mitra Nazar correspondent Turkey Turkey has blocked access to all Deutsche Welle websites. Additionally, the Voice of America Turkish language website is no longer available. Public broadcasters in Germany and America are being punished for failing to comply with new rules introduced by the Turkish government this year. Media companies that broadcast …

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