JB Meijers imitates the Smiths

JB Meijers imitates the Smiths

JB Meijers – The Director’s Ritual “> The Smiths, a British alternative rock band, emerged in the 1980s. JB. “They made their own traditional songs with clever lyrics from lead singer Morissey and pretty brilliant compositions from Johnny Marr, one of my guitar heroes. Pop music back then was produced in a very pompous way, music that I didn’t like …

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Lagarde (ECB): ‘Potential bankruptcy restricts risk to Evergrande eurozone’

Lagarde (ECB): 'Potential bankruptcy restricts risk to Evergrande eurozone'

Chinese real estate company Evergrande is less likely to go bankrupt in the eurozone. ECP President Christine Lagarde said in an interview with the US business channel CNBC. ECB top woman Christine Lagarde firmly believes that the debt crisis of the ailing Chinese real estate firm Evergrande is currently having a limited impact on the eurozone economy. That’s what happens …

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Everything you want to know about crypto

The world of crypto currencies has grown rapidly. It seems like everyone is getting involved these days. So it might be the kind of market you need to be in too. However, whenever you want to invest in crypto currency, it is important to know what you’re doing. To get off to a good start, you first need to gather …

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Ben Affleck first talks about Jennifer Lopez

Ben Affleck first talks about Jennifer Lopez

They shone on the red carpet: Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez have found each other. For the first time, director Ben has now given an interview on J Lo and it’s very cute. After Kim Kardashian and Kanye West divorced, the world could use another celebrity couple and there it is. Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck caused a minor earthquake …

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Former Catalan leader Puigdemont arrested in Sardinia | Abroad

Former Catalan leader Puigdemont arrested in Sardinia |  Abroad

According to the lawyer, an Italian judge could already decide on Friday whether Puigdemont will be released or extradited to Spain. This country wants to sue him for his role in the failure of the secession of Catalonia in 2017. After a plebiscite, the then leader declared independence, after which political leaders were arrested or forced to flee to abroad. …

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The hero of the film ‘Hotel Rwanda’ receives 25 years in prison

The hero of the film 'Hotel Rwanda' receives 25 years in prison

Don Cheadle had success in Oscar-nominated Hotel Rwanda, where the actor played the role of Belgian-Rwandan Paul Rusesabagina. Now it looks like Rusesabagina could end up in prison for the rest of his life. Rusesabagina was convicted of terrorism in the Rwandan capital Kigali. He is the chairman of the Rwandan opposition party MRCD and is said to have financed …

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Public space of the National Congress – architectenweb.nl

Public space of the National Congress - architectenweb.nl

Clean air, social interactions, involvement, movement, safety: this makes people happier, prevents complaints, and translates into savings for healthcare and other parts of the social field. Happiness outside. This is what it is about at the National Congress of Public Space (LOCR), which Stedelijk Interieur is organizing in Zwolle on Wednesday 13 October. Many aspects of the healthy and ecological …

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BT Sport presents the Nitro Rallycross

BT Sport presents the Nitro Rallycross

Nitro Rallycross has announced its release plans ahead of the inaugural series which begins on September 24. The match will be broadcast to over 200 regions via 14 media partners – BT Sport not reporting it exclusively to the UK. Other notable deals include global partners DAZN and YouTube, as well as NBC Sports and Peacock in the United States. …

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New UK asylum law violates international law, says UNHCR

New UK asylum law violates international law, says UNHCR

The United Nations refugee agency, UNHCR, opposes a British bill aimed at discouraging people from coming to the UK. According to the UNHCR, if the proposal is passed, a dichotomy will emerge between a relatively small group of asylum seekers who came to the UK with permission from the UK government and a much larger group who came on their …

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Zoom’s takeover of Five9 could pose a security risk to the United States

‘Overname Five9 door Zoom mogelijk veiligheidsrisico voor VS’

The plan to acquire cloud-based contact center specialist Five9 is temporarily on hold, as US justice has opened an investigation into a possible security risk. This is what the Wall Street Journal reports. The US government is concerned that the acquisition will put US technology in Chinese hands because of Zoom’s ties to China. Earlier this year Video conferencing specialist …

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