Thelma Binder

"Explorer. Devoted travel specialist. Web expert. Organizer. Social media geek. Coffee enthusiast. Extreme troublemaker. Food trailblazer. Total bacon buff."

Biden says the United States still expects clear answers on Putin’s next steps

Biden says the United States still expects clear answers on Putin's next steps

“There is no clear evidence yet that he is withdrawing all of his troops from Kiev,” Biden told reporters at the White House. Biden said: “There is also evidence that he is strengthening his forces in the Donbass region” – the region of Ukraine where Putin lives. Pros The two separatist regions became independent nations. “From your point of view …

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Friedenberg’s sermon was based on rusty disks

Friedenberg's sermon was based on rusty disks

Scott Morrison sees Josh Friedenberg presenting the 2022-23 budget. Is Australia’s recovery leading the world? The biggest economic shock since the recession? There was a rule against misleading Parliament. Does not seem to write anymore Alan Austin⁇ It was the worst balancing act ever experienced in Australia’s life memory. His deception and contradictions can be seen in the budget documents …

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Zoetermeers Dagblad | Zhelensky addresses members of the House of Representatives


President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zhelensky addresses members of the House of Representatives on Thursday morning via video link. This is at the request of Zhelensky, a country attacked by Russia last month. This is the first time a foreign head of state has addressed a parliamentary session. The Netherlands supports the government in Kiev in the fight against the Russian …

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Bloomberg: Apple and Meta provide hackers with customer information


Bloomberg: Apple and Meta provide hackers with customer information Technology companies Apple and Facebook have reportedly provided customer data to hackers disguised as law enforcement agencies. That’s what Bloomberg News Agency writes about internal affairs. According to sources, this includes data such as addresses, phone numbers and IP addresses. It could have happened with a fake emergency data request. Unlike …

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Live | Russia and China want more cooperation, ‘Russians continue to drop bombs despite promises to measure’ | Instagram

Live |  Russia and China want more cooperation, 'Russians continue to drop bombs despite promises to measure' |  Instagram

The most important message at a glance: – According to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zhelensky, there are “positive signals” from the Russian-Ukrainian talks in Turkey, although Ukraine still does not want to reduce its military efforts. He said this in a video message on the Telegram last night. Zelensky insisted that there was no reason to believe the words “representatives of …

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The United States has prepared sanctions against Russia for its occupation of Ukraine abroad

US prepares sanctions package against Russia for invasion of Ukraine Abroad

The United States and its allies are already developing tough sanctions to punish Russia for invading Ukraine. These are financial, technical and military sanctions. Reports suggest that these could be imposed within hours if there is a military escalation The New York Times⁇ The Newspaper Relied on talks with US and European officials, who revealed details of sanctions following the …

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Federal judge says Trump is committing “more crimes than he did” to prevent Congress from confirming Biden’s victory

Federal judge says Trump is committing "more crimes than he did" to prevent Congress from confirming Biden's victory

U.S. District Court Judge David O. Carter’s resolution resolved several key emails condemning the return of Trump ally and conservative lawyer John Eastman to the January 6 riots and the House Select Committee to defer 2020. Presidential election results. Eastman wrote key legal notes to deny the victory of Democrat Joe Biden. The judge assessed whether Eastman’s communications were protected …

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Biden called for US electoral reform

Verenigde Staten vaccineren al hun diplomaten, Oostenrijk helpt met vaccins voor Balkanlanden

U.S. President Joe Biden on Tuesday issued a sharp call to reform national election laws as Republicans in several states changed voting practices in their favor. “They want chaos to rule,” he said of the opposition. “We want the people to rule.” Biden delivered his speech in the southern city of Atlanta, the stronghold of the black civil rights movement …

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CNN: Qatar has not yet made any new investments in Russia


CNN: Qatar has not yet made any new investments in Russia Qatar does not currently make new investments in Russia. Qatar’s Foreign Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al-Thani said in an interview with CNN. According to the Minister, the country rich in oil and gas is waiting with investments until the “clarity on the stability” of the situation around Ukraine …

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Strong recovery of the eurozone economy – Institutions

Strong recovery of the eurozone economy - Institutions

The eurozone economy grew by 5.2 percent last year, after shrinking by 6.4 percent in 2020. This was reported in a flash assessment on Monday by the European Statistics Office Eurostat. The year started with a slight contraction, but the economy recovered strongly in the second and third quarters, each time with growth of more than 2 percent compared to …

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