Harold Manning

"Infuriatingly humble social media ninja. Devoted travel junkie. Student. Avid internet lover."

French justice is investigating the flow of money during President Macron’s election campaigns | Abroad

French justice is investigating the flow of money during President Macron's election campaigns |  Abroad

French prosecutors have opened an investigation into President Emmanuel Macron’s election campaigns in 2017 and 2022. It remains to be seen whether the 44-year-old politician illegally benefited from the services of the American consulting firm McKinsey. This is indicated by a press release from the Paris financial prosecutor’s office. Public spending on external advice has increased significantly under Macron’s rule. …

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Fraudster arrested for scamming clothing stores

Fraudster arrested for scamming clothing stores

His modus operandi turned out to be the following. The suspect shows up at the checkout with a large amount of expensive clothing. The amount varies between 400 and 700 euros. The suspect wants to pay cash with 50 euro notes. He carefully counts the banknotes in front of the cashier. Let’s say 10 50 euro notes. He then gives …

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This is how you overcome your “vehophobia” when you hit the highway | Car

This is how you overcome your “vehophobia” when you hit the highway |  Car

Driving is not too difficult for most motorists, but for some people it is an extremely stressful activity every time. Fear of merging with the highway may play a role in this. The fear of driving is sometimes called vehophobia. It literally means: the fear of driving a car yourself. One of the most stressful activities for motorists is merging …

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Boy (5) rescued alive from rubble two days after Java earthquake | Abroad

Boy (5) rescued alive from rubble two days after Java earthquake |  Abroad

A five-year-old boy has been pulled alive from the rubble more than two days after the earthquake hit the Indonesian island of Java. This was announced by the local fire department. Five-year-old Azka was largely unscathed, as he was protected from falling rocks by a mattress. He was conscious when he was pulled from the rubble. According to medical staff, …

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A wool sweater is warmer than a cotton shirt. Valuable information in these difficult times

A wool sweater is warmer than a cotton shirt.  Valuable information in these difficult times

Sylvia WhitemanNovember 23, 202214:27 Those who dress warmly do not catch cold easily; you have to know. In the newspaper this week a thermophysicist, Boris Kingma, came into play, who thought we ‘had forgotten how to keep warm properly’. Shit, how stupid we are! And now? Fortunately, there was Johanna Louwagie, ‘industrial engineer at the Textile Group of the University …

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Scotland can’t hold an independence referendum

Scotland can't hold an independence referendum

AFP ONS News•today, 11:06•Amended today, 12:06 Scotland may not hold a referendum on Scottish independence at this time. Britain’s Supreme Court has ruled unanimously that the Scottish Parliament cannot hold such a referendum in London without government permission. The Scottish Parliament has no jurisdiction over constitutional matters, including the union between Scotland and England, the Supreme Court has said. This …

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Bolsonaro challenges Brazil election results

Bolsonaro challenges Brazil election results

Reuters ONS News•today, 00:15 Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro is challenging the results of Brazil’s elections three weeks ago. Several media report that he asked the electoral commission through his lawyer to declare part of the votes cast via electronic voting machines invalid. Bolsonaro’s team speaks of software errors in “some” voting machines. At a press conference in the capital Brasilia, …

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Kosovo delays controversial license plate fine for another 48 hours

Kosovo delays controversial license plate fine for another 48 hours

AFP ONS News•today, 16:01 Kosovo will not impose a fine on Serbian residents who have not yet replaced their Serbian license plate with a Kosovar plate within the next two days. From today the police were to issue fines, but Prime Minister Kurti last night agreed to a US offer to postpone this for a while. Kurti announced his decision …

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Japanese Government Launches Investigation into Moon Sect | Abroad

Japanese Government Launches Investigation into Moon Sect |  Abroad

The Japanese government on Tuesday launched an investigation into the Unification Church, also known as the Moon Sect. He is accused of having close ties to Prime Minister Fumio Kishida’s ruling party. The government will give the church until Dec. 9 to answer questions about its finances and organization, Japan’s Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Minister Keiko Nagaoka said …

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Rhino horn trade ban upheld at wildlife conference

Rhino horn trade ban upheld at wildlife conference

AFP ONS News•yesterday, 11:40 p.m. The international ban on the rhino horn trade was confirmed at the World Wildlife Conference in Panama. The African country eSwatini had asked to allow the trade again, but the proposal was not put to a vote by the committee. Early last week, the World Species Conference began, where representatives of 160 governments agreed to …

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