Harold Manning

"Infuriatingly humble social media ninja. Devoted travel junkie. Student. Avid internet lover."

La Palma volcanic eruption worsens: airport is closed

La Palma volcanic eruption worsens: airport is closed

The volcanic eruption of La Palma.Image REUTERS The Spanish authorities left it up to the airlines themselves to make a decision yesterday, but have now decided that no further flights can be operated. “Clean-up operations have started, but the situation could change at any time,” the airport added. Seven flights were canceled on Friday due to the explosions and the …

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Mass in the streets for the climate just before the Bundestag elections

Mass in the streets for the climate just before the Bundestag elections

Young voters in the minority Especially for young voters, the climate is the central theme of this year’s elections. However, they represent only a small proportion of the German electoral population: only 14% of eligible voters are under 29, while almost 40% are over 60. This is one of the reasons Angela (71) and Angelika (66) are here. .. also …

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Setback for Trump: investigation confirms defeat in Arizona | Abroad

Setback for Trump: investigation confirms defeat in Arizona |  Abroad

Trump has always maintained that fraud cost him votes in the election, but could not prove he lost through fraud. In fact, Cyber ​​Ninjas research shows the opposite. Trump got 261 fewer votes than expected in Maricopa County. Biden has just received 99 more, according to US media. Narrow victory This county matters because Democrat Biden narrowly won an election …

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Former Catalan leader Puigdemont “celebrates” his release | Abroad

Former Catalan leader Puigdemont "celebrates" his release |  Abroad

“I’m very happy to be here, to participate in this event,” Puigdemont said today, shaking hands with people and waving to the crowd. He arrived Thursday evening at the airport in Alghero, a town on the Italian island of Sardinia with Catalan culture, where he would participate in a cultural festival and meet Sardinian politicians. Puigdemont, 58, was arrested on …

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Canadian Bishops Apologize for Abuse at Indian Residential Schools | Abroad

Canadian Bishops Apologize for Abuse at Indian Residential Schools |  Abroad

The Canadian bishops have officially apologized for the abuses at residential schools for Indigenous children that came to light earlier this year. Since May, more than a thousand anonymous graves have been discovered in former residential schools in British Columbia and Saskatchewan, which were mainly run by the Catholic Church and funded by the government. “We, the Catholic bishops of …

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Taliban leader: “Corporal punishment and executions will return to Afghanistan”

Taliban leader: "Corporal punishment and executions will return to Afghanistan"

Mullah Nooruddin Turabi is a founding member of the Taliban and, during their previous seizure of power in the 1990s, was Minister of Justice and head of the religious police responsible for implementing strict Islamic teachings. Then, among other things, executions took place in a football stadium with hundreds of spectators. Today Turabi is in charge of the prisons. In …

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Former Catalan leader Puigdemont arrested in Sardinia | Abroad

Former Catalan leader Puigdemont arrested in Sardinia |  Abroad

According to the lawyer, an Italian judge could already decide on Friday whether Puigdemont will be released or extradited to Spain. This country wants to sue him for his role in the failure of the secession of Catalonia in 2017. After a plebiscite, the then leader declared independence, after which political leaders were arrested or forced to flee to abroad. …

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New UK asylum law violates international law, says UNHCR

New UK asylum law violates international law, says UNHCR

The United Nations refugee agency, UNHCR, opposes a British bill aimed at discouraging people from coming to the UK. According to the UNHCR, if the proposal is passed, a dichotomy will emerge between a relatively small group of asylum seekers who came to the UK with permission from the UK government and a much larger group who came on their …

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‘Harry Potter’ sells the first version of Philosopher’s Stone | spectacle

'Harry Potter' sells the first version of Philosopher's Stone |  spectacle

Harry Potter, a 33-year-old from Waterlooville in the south of England, sells his rare first edition of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. At the age of 8, his father immediately bought the book in bookstores, surprised that his son’s name was the same as that of the now famous wizard. Potter’s dad heard his son’s name on the radio, …

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