Thelma Binder

"Explorer. Devoted travel specialist. Web expert. Organizer. Social media geek. Coffee enthusiast. Extreme troublemaker. Food trailblazer. Total bacon buff."

Two Turkish banks suspend Russian payment system Mir

Two Turkish banks suspend Russian payment system Mir

Photo: ANP Turkey’s two biggest banks have stopped using the Russian mir payment system, which is popular with tourists. This happened under pressure from the United States, which warned the banks not to enter into new contracts or enter into new contracts with Mir. Turkiye Is Bankasi, one of Turkey’s largest private lenders, and Denizbank separately announced that they would …

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Mayor Aboutaleb for the Clinton Global Initiative in New York

Mayor Aboutaleb for the Clinton Global Initiative in New York

Mayor Aboutaleb will be there for three days next week New York For a work visit. Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) has been invited by the 42nd President of the United States, Bill Clinton, to speak on climate resilient cities at the September 2022 meeting. He also visits various projects of the city. CGIA CGI is an international platform where mayors, …

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The US wants to supply Taiwan with weapons, and China has retaliated furiously

The US wants to supply Taiwan with weapons, and China has retaliated furiously

International•Sep 3 ’22 10:33 am•Updated on 14 Sep ’22 13:26Author of the book: AP The United States announced on Friday that it may sell $1.1 billion (more than 1.1 billion euros) worth of arms to Taiwan. According to the US Department of Defense, these include 60 anti-ship missiles and 100 anti-aircraft missiles. The deal has yet to be finalized, but …

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Queen Máxima’s American visit opens the doors

Queen Máxima's American visit opens the doors

Queen Maxima, recovering from pneumonia, and King Willem-Alexander work for America. The queen accompanies a large cabinet on her trade mission to California and Texas. According to royal family expert Jan-Keys Emmer, Máxima’s visit to the US opens doors. “Many entrepreneurs go to that lunch anyway, to see a queen,” Emmer said on NPO 1’s Goedemorgen Nederland. So those entrepreneurs …

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Dagblad010 | Aboutaleb to New York


Next week Ahmed Aboudaleb will be in New York for three days on work. The itinerant mayor of Rotterdam has been invited by Bill Clinton, the 42nd president of the United States, to speak about climate-resilient cities during the September 2022 meeting of the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI). He also visits various projects of the city. CGI is an international …

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Afghans: Do not visit Suriname due to high crime rates and poor economy

Afghanen willen liever niet naar Suriname vanwege hoge misdaadcijfers

Suriname Foreign Minister Albert Ramdin issued a statement Wall Street Journal US officials are in talks with Suriname to send a group of Afghans detained at a US base in Kosovo to Suriname. The newspaper reported that full discussions have been held with Suriname and Ambassador Morton Schalkwij confirmed that Suriname is considering cooperation. A committee will be formed to …

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‘It’s increasingly not about profits’

'It's increasingly not about profits'

EPA NOS news•Yesterday, 22:01 Business is about making profit for shareholders. Or not? The founder of the billion-dollar company Patagonia showed today that it can be done differently. Profits now go to charity. “It’s historic, but not unique,” says Kees Klomp, a lecturer in economics at Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences. There are also companies in the Netherlands where profits …

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Fewer US benefit claims, retail sales growth

Fewer US benefit claims, retail sales growth

Photo: ANP US jobless claims fell for the fifth consecutive week last week. Despite the global economic challenges facing the U.S. as well, more Americans are looking for work. After a dip in July, retail sales picked up last month. Last week, the number of first-time benefit claims fell to around 213,000. An average of 224,000 applications over four weeks. …

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Barclays predicts fourth-quarter contraction for major economies

FILE PHOTO: German Economy Minister Habeck visits companies hit by energy crisis

Barclays predicts global growth will slow to 2.2% in 2023 from 2.8% this year, and warns that it expects advanced economies to contract in the fourth quarter and reach zero growth next year. In 2021, global growth is projected to be 6.3%. Following the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, which has exacerbated supply chain problems, central banks around the world …

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