Thelma Binder

"Explorer. Devoted travel specialist. Web expert. Organizer. Social media geek. Coffee enthusiast. Extreme troublemaker. Food trailblazer. Total bacon buff."

At least 573 evacuations after the official end of the Dutch military evacuation operation

At least 573 evacuations after the official end of the Dutch military evacuation operation

The Netherlands has expelled at least 573 people since the official withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan on August 26. A Foreign Ministry spokesman confirmed this on Monday NRC After reporting from The AD. It AD The numbers also include accompanying family members. The evacuees were taken safely through Qatar (352) and Pakistan (221). Among them are translators and other persons …

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From the hunter to the political symbol – Argos – man

From the hunter to the political symbol - Argos - man

However, in the Dutch wolf debate, according to environmental philosopher Martin Trenton, the focus does not always seem to focus on the practical advantages and disadvantages of animal existence. He explores how people can coexist with wild animals: ‘The wolf reveals some way of thinking.’ “Opponents say: The Netherlands is a cultural landscape, not an untouchable nature,” says Trenten. Wild …

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The United States has called on Hong Kong to release the arrested journalists

The United States has called on Hong Kong to release the arrested journalists

The United States has called on Hong Kong to immediately release six (former) journalists arrested. In A message on Twitter US Secretary of State Anthony Blingen has said he is “deeply concerned” about the arrests. “A government that is not afraid of the truth embraces an independent press,” Blingen said. He wants local authorities to stop controlling independent newspapers and …

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Research: Infrastructure investment stimulus for the economy

Research: Infrastructure investment stimulus for the economy

The government’s planned investment in infrastructure projects in the United States and Europe will boost the economy in the coming years. Euler Hermes, the world’s largest credit insurance company, reports this based on research. In both the United States and Europe, public investment in infrastructure is on the rise for the first time in a decade. In the United States, …

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Coronablog – Key Cabinet seeks return to old rules of culture and cinema, Digital Advisory Council on Wednesday

Coronablog - Key Cabinet seeks return to old rules of culture and cinema, Digital Advisory Council on Wednesday

Tuesday’s ruling by the state council suspending the closure of the cultural sector will not replace other legal action announced by actors from the cultural sector. For example, on Monday an alliance of various organizations, including the League for Human Rights, appealed to the State Council against the closure of the department. The petitions are still scheduled for Friday, confirms …

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Mexico wants to become self-sufficient and stops oil exports

Mexico wants to become self-sufficient and stops oil exports

Photo: ANP Mexico suspends crude oil exports to meet domestic demand. State oil company Petroleos Mexicanos (Pemex) has announced that it will export only 435,000 barrels a day next year. By 2023, all oils pumped into Mexico will be domestic. Through this move, Pemex is helping President Andres Manuel Lபpez Obrador achieve the self-sufficient goal of a nationalist government. Now …

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The United States and Russia are due to hold security talks in early January

The United States and Russia are due to hold security talks in early January

ANP Products | Source: ANP Yesterday at 15:21 Moscow Russia will hold talks with the United States next month on the necessary security guarantees. Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov did not specify the date of the meeting in an interview, but said it would take place immediately after the Russian New Year holidays. That means the summit could take place as …

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Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau recommends China to ‘play off’ Western nations against each other

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau recommends China to 'play off' Western nations against each other

© Business Insider Issued by the Netherlands Andrzej Ivanov / Getty According to Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, China is trying to “intelligently influence” the economic rivalries of Western nations and cause them to clash with each other. “One of the challenges we face as a Western world is that we are competing with each other,” Trudeau told Canadian television. …

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