The stars present the Earthshot Prize designed by Prince William

The stars present the Earthshot Prize designed by Prince William

Britain’s Prince William presented the Earthshot Prize for the first time on Sunday evening. It happened at a special gala in London where William and his wife Catherine were in attendance. The royal created the environmental award himself. In a video message, William looked back on the first twenty years of this century. “We live in a time which determines …

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A Literary Research for Night and Nature – Writer Kester Freriks on Silence, Space and Darkness | The Swollenaer

A Literary Research for Night and Nature - Writer Kester Freriks on Silence, Space and Darkness |  The Swollenaer

Wednesday evening October 27, Kester Freriks will be the guest of the Zwolle and Surroundings department of the Humanist Association. Kester Freriks (1954) is an award-winning and versatile writer of nature novels, essays and books. With richly illustrated books such as Bird Watching. The three hundred Dutch bird species (2009), De valk (2010), Along the IJssel. Nature and culture in …

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Fifty hours of dancing for 100,000 euros, “it’s almost assault”

Fifty hours of dancing for 100,000 euros, "it's almost assault"

One hundred participants, fifty hours of dancing and a cash prize of 100,000 euros for the couple that lasts the longest. The concept of the SBS show De Dansmarathon is simple, but lends itself to a heavy battle of wear and tear among the participants, and of astonishment among the viewers. Not everyone came out of the competition unscathed: the …

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Break between allies: the French feel left behind by America | Abroad

Break between allies: the French feel left behind by America |  Abroad

What is the heated controversy about?About a lot of money and hurt pride. President Emmanuel Macron is furious with the United States and Australia for agreeing to a deal to supply American nuclear submarines to the government in Canberra. In doing so, they tore up a contract concluded with France in 2016 for the delivery of twelve submarines (diesel) worth …

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Pedestrian area – PvdA Leiden

Pedestrian area - PvdA Leiden

As the third largest city in the Netherlands, Leiden has a pedestrian policy! The city council recently approved it. Good news, we think, because this way it will be more pleasant and safer to walk and run in the city. An improvement for all of us! Because everyone walks every day: from home to your bike or car, to a …

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Arrests in Athens to protest against the Beijing Olympics

Arrests in Athens to protest against the Beijing Olympics

Greek police have arrested activists who demonstrated in Athens against the Olympic Games scheduled for Beijing. They chanted slogans such as “Boycott Beijing 2022” and “Tibet must be liberated” at the Acropolis, the Students for a Free Tibet organization reports. Greek police say they arrested two women and a man. Officers also confiscated the flags hanging from the historic structure. …

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“China also tested hypersonic missile, Americans surprised”

"China also tested hypersonic missile, Americans surprised"

China secretly tested a hypersonic missile in August, reports the Financial Time. US intelligence sources told the newspaper they were surprised by the test. Although the missile did not hit its target, testing shows that China has made “incredible progress” in developing a hypersonic missile, the sources say. In fact, the Chinese turn out to be much more advanced than …

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Red Lions beat Germany 6-1 at Ukel Sport

Red Lions beat Germany 6-1 at Ukel Sport

The Belgian Lions, the Belgian national men’s hockey team, returned to the professional hockey competition on Saturday night with a large victory over Germany 6-1 (first half: 2-0) on Saturday night at the sports facilities d’Uccle, in Brussels. Developed under the direction of new coach Michel van den Heuvel and finding its audience for the first time since its Olympic …

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Purchasing power has increased by almost 60 percent in 40 years

Purchasing power has increased by almost 60 percent in 40 years

The poverty rate has declined on average since 1977. “The reason for this is that the labor force participation rate has increased. The best solution is to work on doing something about poverty. Another group that sometimes falls below the poverty line are the self-employed who have had a bad year. “They can live on their reserves, but they are …

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SBS6’s Dance Marathon is shit

SBS6's Dance Marathon is shit

Feedback October 17, 2021 In 1969, then-famous director Sydney Pollack made an impressive film about such dance marathons called They shoot Horses, don’t They. John de Mol once invented Big Brother, but otherwise he’s good at milking old ideas like talent shows, which are always presented in a different form. For his latest find, he plunges into the past: the …

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