De Nooijer new coach Nieuwland, Stavenisse chooses Magielse

Trainerscarroussel nieuwe vormgeving

December Coaches News Pim Bruins succeeds Harro Hazelaar as coach of second division Oostkapelle/Domburg. Bruins is still active at SSV ’65 in Goes, but will move there next summer. Bruinisse’s Perry Snoep will be the new coach of fourth division side Smerdiek. Snoep is still working at Nieuwdorp, but will leave the Beveland club after one season. Soufian Dooms and …

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Biden warns Putin against “other scenarios” | Abroad

Biden warns Putin against “other scenarios” |  Abroad

Biden again called on Putin to withdraw the more than 100,000 Russian troops on the Ukrainian border. If Russia were to invade Ukraine, America and its allies “would react decisively with rapid and profound repercussions for Russia.” The conversation lasted a little over an hour. The initiative for the discussion initially came from Russia, which wanted to speak on Monday, …

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Olympic News: Lindvik loves Kobayashi’s gold on a big ramp | Olympic Games

Olympic News: Lindvik loves Kobayashi's gold on a big ramp |  Olympic Games

Sign up for the Newsletter Telesport and receive the latest Olympic news daily. Lindvik keeps Kobayashi Olympic gold on the big ramp 1:57 p.m. Norwegian ski jumper Marius Lindvik won gold in the big jump at the Olympics. Lindvik, 23, prevented Japan’s Ryoyu Kobayashi from winning his second Olympic title in China. Kobayashi, who won gold on the small ramp …

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Apple is going to pay more American store employees

Apple is going to pay more American store employees

Photo: ANP Technology company Apple is set to pay more retail employees in the United States. During information meetings and personal conversations with employees in stores, it was announced last week that employees would be paid more, Bloomberg News Agency reported on an insider basis. Apple, like other companies, is struggling with wage pressures due to staff shortages and inflation. …

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Jim Carrey returns as Cable Guy for Super Bowl spot

Jim Carrey returns as Cable Guy for Super Bowl spot

© ANP Jim Carrey returns as Cable Guy for Super Bowl spot Jim Carrey reprises the role of the character he played in the 1996 film The Cable Guy. The 60-year-old actor and comedian does so for an advertisement for Verizon, an American telecommunications company, which appeared in commercial breaks during Sunday, the Super Bowl airs. This reports Daily News. …

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Babysitting your grandchildren doesn’t make you any younger

Babysitting your grandchildren doesn't make you any younger

Young parents who like to use grandparents’ free babysitting service can use this as an argument: keeping grandchildren keeps you young. It’s life’s wisdom that fits on a tile, but now science has taken a hard look at it. A word of warning: these young parents might as well read no further. Or don’t let grandma and grandpa read the …

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René de Nooijer working in Nieuwland

Trainerscarroussel nieuwe vormgeving

December Coaches News Pim Bruins succeeds Harro Hazelaar as coach of second division Oostkapelle/Domburg. Bruins is still active at SSV ’65 in Goes, but will move there next summer. Bruinisse’s Perry Snoep will be the new coach of fourth division side Smerdiek. Snoep is still working at Nieuwdorp, but will leave the Beveland club after one season. Soufian Dooms and …

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Appeal from Minister Hoekstra to the Dutch: departure from Ukraine

Appeal from Minister Hoekstra to the Dutch: departure from Ukraine

“The security situation was already worrying and has deteriorated more and more in recent days. In consultation with the various allies, I am now taking this step and calling on all Dutch people to leave Ukraine,” read a statement from hurry. Most embassy staff will also leave Ukraine. There will be a minimum occupancy. From the meeting point in Lviv, …

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Exit Ukraine –

Exit Ukraine -

The situation in Ukraine has become very threatening, and Minister Hoxstra calls on the Dutch to leave Ukraine soon. In a statement, the foreign minister said: “The security situation is already worrying and has worsened in recent days. In consultation with various allies, I now call on all Dutch people to leave Ukraine.” There is only minimal occupation of the …

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Ruimte voor een chapeau: Wethouder plant laatste boom voor 800 jaar Dordrecht

Ruimte voor een chapeau: Wethouder plant laatste boom voor 800 jaar Dordrecht

DORDRECHT – Een mooie mijlpaal: vanochtend plantte wethouder Marco Stam de laatste boom in het kader van ‘800 jaar Dordrecht’. Dat gebeurde in de berm langs de N3, tegenover de driehoekige punt van het Dubbelmondepark. Hiermee komt het project ‘800 bomen voor 800 jaar Dordrecht’ ten einde. De naam doet niet helemaal recht aan de werkelijkheid: er zijn in total …

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[Marketing the Rainbow #9]: Toyota, bondgenoot vanaf 1992

[Marketing the Rainbow #9]: Toyota, bondgenoot vanaf 1992

Het bedrijfHet Japanse Toyota werd opgericht door Kiichiro Toyoda in 1937 en heeft wereldwijd meer dan 350.000 werknemers. Het is de grootste autofabrikant op basis van de verkoop van eenheden in 2020. Toyota was qua omzet het tiende grootste bedrijf ter wereld (2019). Ze zijn de wereldmarktleider in de verkoop van hybrid voertuigen: de Prius-familie is al jaren de bestverkochte …

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Burgermilities Ethiopia willen de wapens nog niet neerleggen

Burgermilities Ethiopia willen de wapens nog niet neerleggen

Dat geldt ook voor een ander lid van de burgermilities, hij is eigenlijk timmerman. Hij werd gedwongen om mee te doen aan de oorlog, zegt hij, omdat de TPLF- rebeln Amhaarse vrouwen hebben verkracht, ziekenhuizen en scholen hebben geplunderd en burgers hebben gedood. Hetzelfde hoorde ik negen maanden geleden in Tigray, waar juist Tigreeërs slachtoffer zijn geworden van geweld door …

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‘Russische inval mogelijk al snel’, zegt VS, Biden en Poetin bellen vandaag

'Russische inval mogelijk al snel', zegt VS, Biden en Poetin bellen vandaag

Volgens de Verenigde Staten staan ​​de Russische troepen nu klaar om Oekraïne binnen te vallen. “Dat kan op elk moment gebeuren, wanneer Poetin daarvoor kiest”, zei topveiligheidsadvisor Jake Sullivan tegen journalistn. Hij leverde geen bewijs om zijn bewering te onderbouwen. Ondertussen maakten het Witte Huis en het Kremlin bekend dat de presidenten Poetin en Biden de komende dag telefonisch in …

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