Thelma Binder

"Explorer. Devoted travel specialist. Web expert. Organizer. Social media geek. Coffee enthusiast. Extreme troublemaker. Food trailblazer. Total bacon buff."

The second IndyCar race is not on the VK side in Detroit

Geluk niet aan zijde VeeKay in tweede IndyCar-race Detroit

VK was still doing good business during the first race in Detroit on Saturday. From twelfth on stage he moved up to second, taking him to fourth. It was a promising result when watching the second race on Sunday, but the race was disappointing. VK started the race from B2, but the chosen three-stop strategy ended in traffic after an …

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Reuters reports that Shell is considering selling assets in the United States’ largest oil sector, highlighting the pressure to focus on low-carbon investments.

Reuters reports that Shell is considering selling assets in the United States' largest oil sector, highlighting the pressure to focus on low-carbon investments.

Ben von Burton, CEO of the Royal Dutch Shell. Reuters The Royal Dutch Shell said in a statement on Sunday that it was reviewing its interests in the Perm Basin. This means that Shell is selling some or all of its 260,000 acres in the oil field, Reuters reported. Shareholders and activists are pushing oil companies to reduce carbon emissions. …

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The Iran nuclear deal looks close

The Iran nuclear deal looks close

Iran and the United States are close to a new nuclear deal. This was stated by Enrique Mora, the European negotiator who is leading the talks in Vienna. The old agreement was called into question when former President Trump resigned in 2018 and imposed sanctions on Iran. Old chord Chicco van der Meir Mora, a nuclear weapons researcher at the …

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G7 countries want to help poor countries with infrastructure


The G7, a group of seven rich industrialized nations, supports a new global plan to help poor countries build a variety of infrastructure. According to the White House, this is an attempt to challenge China’s belt and road initiative, which has seen Chinese gains influence in many developing countries and emerging economies since 2013. The G7 and its allies, including …

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U.S. lower house members want to control the power of big tech companies

U.S. lower house members want to control the power of big tech companies

Photo: ANP U.S. media reports suggest that major technology companies such as Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google may be forced to reconsider their business practices. Several members of the United States House of Representatives have introduced comprehensive plans that make it more difficult for companies to make acquisitions, but prohibit companies from owning competing companies. Hopeful reforms were introduced on …

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McDonald Hague scored in Korea and Taiwan


The fast food chain McDonald’s has been hacked by computer hacks in company settings in Korea and Taiwan. In addition, hackers were able to steal personal data from customers, the chain confirms after a report in the business newspaper The Wall Street Journal. This will be a small number of files, some of which contain both employee and customer data, …

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EU, US and UK oppose Russia over Navalny: ‘Perverted and Kafkeski’

US and UK attack Russia over Navalny: 'perverted and Kafkaesque'

The Moscow judge’s verdict puts even more pressure on relations between Russia and the United States, as President Biden makes his first major foreign trip. Biden will meet with President Putin in Switzerland on Wednesday. He is expected to lift the ban on Navalny’s organization. The UK is putting a more harsh tone against Russia than the US. Secretary of …

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President Biden begins his trip to Europe, his first foreign visit

President Biden begins his trip to Europe, his first foreign visit

Joe Biden begins his first foreign trip as president today. He is boarding a plane in Great Britain tonight. “The most important thing for President Biden is to show all of his European partners that the United States is back: ‘We are your partner again,’ said American expert Raymond Mens. “That doesn’t mean there’s been much change in content after …

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America wants to be more firm with metals for electric cars

America wants to be more firm with metals for electric cars

Photo: ANP The U.S. government wants more commitment to supply essential metals for use in electric car batteries. Today, China is one of the main suppliers of these raw materials. The White House wants to reduce that dependency, for example, by focusing more on domestic production. For example, it is concerned with raw materials such as lithium, copper, cobalt, vanadium …

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Concerned neo-hippies and their global warming, i’ll tell ya

Concerned neo-hippies and their global warming, i'll tell ya

June 8, 2021 – 16:00 – Morocco © Passengers from some countries now traveling to Morocco are required to spend 10 days in isolation in one of the hotels designated by the Moroccan government. This rule also applies to those who have been fully vaccinated. According to the press The challenge However, this rule poses major practical problems. Moroccan travelers …

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