Thelma Binder

"Explorer. Devoted travel specialist. Web expert. Organizer. Social media geek. Coffee enthusiast. Extreme troublemaker. Food trailblazer. Total bacon buff."

The Netherlands is the EU’s largest meat exporter

The Netherlands is the EU's largest meat exporter

After the Netherlands, Spain, Germany, Poland and Denmark are the largest exporters of meat to the European Union. The Netherlands is the largest exporter of beef and veal, the second largest exporter of poultry (after Poland) and the fourth largest exporter of pork (after Spain, Germany and Denmark). The main destinations for Dutch meat exports are Germany (mainly beef and …

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Four major cities want to abolish slavery as a national holiday

Four major cities want to abolish slavery as a national holiday

The evening wore on at the Slave Memorial in Rotterdam.Image ANP Alderman of Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The Hague and Utrecht argue for this in a letter to the House Committee on the Interior. With the national holiday, Alderman wants to make sure the Netherlands reflects the history of Dutch slavery every year. ‘By remembering society, society takes responsibility, but it also …

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America wants to be more firm with metals for electric cars


The U.S. government wants more commitment to supply essential metals for use in electric car batteries. Today, China is one of the main suppliers of these raw materials. The White House wants to reduce that dependency, for example, by focusing more on domestic production. For example, it is concerned with raw materials such as lithium, copper, cobalt, vanadium and manganese. …

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New search engine Niva begins to take shape SEOnieuws

New search engine Niva begins to take shape SEOnieuws

When we talk about SEO, it’s always about Google. Cooking has become a verb, al The search engine giant object opposes this When it is used in the general sense to “search the Internet”. With the ‘big G’ dominating, the question is of course how much competition there can be and whether competition will have an impact. Still, newer search …

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King PP is no longer Israeli Prime Minister after 12 years Abroad

King PP is no longer Israeli Prime Minister after 12 years  Abroad

For the first time in 12 years, Israel has a leader other than Benjamin Netanyahu. The new prime minister is Naphtali Bennett, a right-wing nationalist who came to power thanks to an eight-party coalition. The new government took office last night after a heated debate. This was even more exciting because the Israeli parliament, the Knesset, had to vote first. …

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Minister: ‘Chip production is increasing rapidly through existing manufacturers’


8% of chips are made in Europe. CBA MP The ministry is keeping an eye on the chip shortage in response to parliamentary questions by Mustafa Amhauch, writes Black, Minister of Economic Affairs and Climate. According to Black, production can be increased very quickly by existing manufacturers. Amhouch Asked parliamentary questions Following the global chip shortage, some companies were forced …

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