Thelma Binder

"Explorer. Devoted travel specialist. Web expert. Organizer. Social media geek. Coffee enthusiast. Extreme troublemaker. Food trailblazer. Total bacon buff."

Military Bokeh: Tim Lips in provisional second place

Military Bokeh: Tim Lips in provisional second place

Fog Sunny de Jong, the Netherlands’ first rider, was appointed by national coach Andrew Hefern to ride in his dressage test. Sunny de Jong enjoys a solid test with his gray mare on a icy track. This combination only received unsatisfactory scores on Cantor’s first change. With a score of 33.1 penalty points (66.88%), Ryder from Allsmere is ranked 21st …

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Macron wants to restore relations with the United States at the Biden meeting

Macron wants to restore relations with the United States at the Biden meeting

ANP Products | Source: ANP Tuesday 5 October 2021 at 14:38 French President Emmanuel Macron wants to resolve the conflict with the United States, among other things. “I think this is the right opportunity to see how we can restore relations,” he said when he arrived in Slovenia to attend the EU summit. Paris was outraged when Australia canceled a …

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Prince Jaime: Mankind can win just like athlete Hassan

Prince Jaime: Mankind can win just like athlete Hassan

The Dutch climate ambassador, Prince Jaime de Bourbon de Farme, sees global warming as increasing “speed”. He hopes to follow the example of Siban Hassan, the best athlete who fell in the 1500 meters, but then ran for Olympic gold in the 5th and 10th kilometers. “We stumbled as a team man, but we can still win.” The text continues …

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Taiwan: Our security is paramount to chip delivery

Taiwan: Our security is paramount to chip delivery

Photo: ANP Taiwan’s security is critical to the global computer chip distribution chain. Taiwan’s Minister of Economic Affairs said. Taiwan is the most important chips producer, but China sees the island off the coast of China as a backward province. In recent days, Chinese warplanes have frequently crossed Taiwan’s airspace. The United States has already called on China to stop …

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Facebook founder Zuckerberg has denied the Whistleblower allegations

Facebook founder Zuckerberg has denied the Whistleblower allegations

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg disagrees with Whistleblower Francis Hogan’s allegations. In a post on his own Facebook on Wednesday, he says the current coverage does not reflect the company he knows. From documents sent by Hogan The Wall Street Journal Leaked, the company has long known that the use of Instagram can be detrimental to the mental health of unprotected …

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Macron gets US Secretary of State during the submarine controversy

Macron gets US Secretary of State during the submarine controversy

ANP Products | Source: ANP Today at 14:38 French President Emmanuel Macron receives US Secretary of State Anthony Blingen. This is the first high-level Franco-US meeting since relations between the two countries deteriorated significantly last month over a dispute over the sale of French submarines to Australia. The meeting was not on the agenda of Blinken’s two – day visit …

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The IMF questioned the high-profile female allegations

The IMF questioned the high-profile female allegations

The IMF questioned the high-profile female allegations Tuesday will be an important day for the first lady of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Kristalina Georgieva. He is being questioned today by other IMF officials over allegations of misconduct against her. There are rumors that the Bulgarians could be the head of an important financial institution. Georgie was accused many years …

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Report – CWI Amsterdam

Report - CWI Amsterdam

Computer systems and networks (CompSys) Is the backbone of the digital infrastructure, so it is essential for all the major economic sectors and social aspects in the Netherlands. Every piece of data stored and every calculation task depends on a computer system and is increasingly dependent on a network to access it. A Guide to Digitalizing the Future: ICT Research …

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Under Trump it was ‘America Alone’, but under Biden it was ‘America First’

Under Trump it was 'America Alone', but under Biden it was 'America First'

AUKUS (Summary of English Language Summaries of the Three Participating Countries) was announced in mid-September. Officially, it relates to submarines, but according to Den Brock it goes far beyond: it is the expression of America’s new international strategy under Python, which means a lot to Europe. For years, the Americans have been militarily active in the Middle East, but President …

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