Harold Manning

"Infuriatingly humble social media ninja. Devoted travel junkie. Student. Avid internet lover."

A group of rescuers stop in Peru to search for a missing Belgian tourist (28) | Abroad

A group of rescuers stop in Peru to search for a missing Belgian tourist (28) |  Abroad

VIDEOA group of ten rescuers looking for the Belgian tourist Natacha de Crombrugghe (28) stop working. The rescuers had asked the authorities for logistical support, but it never came. In the meantime, the Belgian federal prosecutor’s office plans to send agents to Peru to monitor the search. Foreign publishers February 12, 2022 Last update: 13:12 Rescuers wanted to comb the …

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Burgermilities Ethiopia willen de wapens nog niet neerleggen

Burgermilities Ethiopia willen de wapens nog niet neerleggen

Dat geldt ook voor een ander lid van de burgermilities, hij is eigenlijk timmerman. Hij werd gedwongen om mee te doen aan de oorlog, zegt hij, omdat de TPLF- rebeln Amhaarse vrouwen hebben verkracht, ziekenhuizen en scholen hebben geplunderd en burgers hebben gedood. Hetzelfde hoorde ik negen maanden geleden in Tigray, waar juist TigreeĆ«rs slachtoffer zijn geworden van geweld door …

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The Dutch mission in Mali in danger | Interior

The Dutch mission in Mali in danger |  Interior

Since last November, the Netherlands has stationed a Hercules transport plane in the capital Bamako, with around ninety soldiers. A few Dutch staff officers are also present in Mali, as well as a group of soldiers supporting an EU training mission. In addition, a Dutchman, Lieutenant-General Kees Matthijssen, leads the UN force in the country, made up of fifteen thousand …

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Mali in collision with European counter-terrorism forces

Mali in collision with European counter-terrorism forces

The end seems in sight for the European military mission in Mali. Dozens of European countries are fighting jihadist groups there, but the African country’s new military regime is increasingly opposed to this and seems to prefer working with Russian mercenaries. The French now have by far the largest fighting force in Mali, around 5,000 men. But 53 soldiers died …

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A man smuggles two Mexican migrants into the United States in a coffin | Abroad

A man smuggles two Mexican migrants into the United States in a coffin |  Abroad

An American has admitted trying to smuggle two Mexican migrants into the United States by carrying them in a coffin covered with the American flag. US officials announced it on Wednesday. The 33-year-old suspect was driving a pickup truck “modified to transport caskets” on October 26 when he reached a border checkpoint in South Texas. Officers saw the coffin and …

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Heavy snowfall causes major nuisance in Turkey | Abroad

Heavy snowfall causes major nuisance in Turkey |  Abroad

Istanbul Airport, one of the busiest airports in Europe, has been closed since Monday. A limited number of planes can now land. According to a spokesman, there are no plans to let the planes depart on Tuesday. Two small airports in Istanbul were less affected. collapsed roof The roof of one of the cargo terminals near the airport collapsed under …

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The Netherlands takes a tougher stance than before in the Ukraine crisis

The Netherlands takes a tougher stance than before in the Ukraine crisis

It was discussed in the Council of Ministers for “a very long time”, Prime Minister Mark Rutte (VVD) said last Friday. If Russian President Putin invades Ukraine again, he will have to reckon with “an incredibly harsh reaction”. It sounded threatening, but in reality the West is divided on how to respond to a possible Russian invasion. It is clear …

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British minister: Russia wants to help pro-Russian leader in Ukraine take power

British minister: Russia wants to help pro-Russian leader in Ukraine take power

British intelligence officials say Russia wants to bring a pro-Russian leader to power in Ukraine. Former Ukrainian parliamentarian Yevchen Murayev would be a potential candidate for this post. Russian intelligence agents have also reportedly been in contact with a number of former Ukrainian politicians in connection with invasion plans. Among them would be former Prime Minister Mikola Azarov. Azarov resigned …

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