Thelma Binder

"Explorer. Devoted travel specialist. Web expert. Organizer. Social media geek. Coffee enthusiast. Extreme troublemaker. Food trailblazer. Total bacon buff."

G7 expresses concerns about ‘democracy erosion’ in Hong Kong


The G7 is deeply concerned about China’s decision to change Hong Kong’s electoral system. The G7 foreign ministers said in a joint statement that the decision would erode democratic content in Beijing. The G7, which includes the United States, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom and Japan, called on the Chinese and Hong Kong authorities to “restore confidence in …

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31 countries rarely criticize human rights abuses in Egypt | Now

31 countries rarely criticize human rights abuses in Egypt |  Now

At a meeting of the UN Human Rights Council on Friday, 31 countries expressed rare criticism of human rights abuses in Egypt. For the first time since 2014, several European countries, including the United States, Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the Netherlands, have signed a joint statement. In Egypt, under President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, human rights abuses and restrictions on …

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EU wants to impose sanctions on China to treat Uyghurs | Now

EU wants to impose sanctions on China to treat Uyghurs |  Now

EU wants to punish China for violating human rights of Uyghur Muslim minorities in Xinjiang The Wall Street Journal Thursday from Brussels. This is the first time the EU has imposed sanctions on communist rule since a bloody uprising in Beijing’s Tiananmen Square in 1989. The ambassadors said the EU would like to put four officials and a so-called company …

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The Fortnight maker is also suing Google in Australia


Epic Games, the company behind the popular computer game Fortnight, has opened a new front in the legal battle against Google. The video game maker has also filed a lawsuit in Australia alleging that it distorted the competition within Google’s App Store. The case follows similar lawsuits filed by epic games against Google and Apple in the United States, the …

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The US think tank has accused China of “genocide” against Uyghurs in Xinjiang

The US think tank has accused China of "genocide" against Uyghurs in Xinjiang

However, this is not the equivalent of a massacre during the Holocaust in 1994 or in Rwanda. What China is doing, however, appears to be destroying the identity and culture of Uyghurs and other minorities. Sometimes very old city centers like mosques, tombs and sometimes Kashmir are demolished and rebuilt in a modern style. Children are taken away from their …

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Spain fears termination of relations with Morocco

Spain fears termination of relations with Morocco

March 8, 2021 – 2:00 pm – World © Morocco’s suspension of relations with Germany appears to be a warning to Spain that the kingdom is at odds over the issue, especially Moroccan sovereignty over the Sahara. As a result of “deep misunderstandings” over the question of Moroccan sovereignty over the Sahara, Morocco recently severed its relationship with Germany. Many …

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The European Union and the United States have suspended fines on milk and meat

The European Union and the United States have suspended fines on milk and meat

The European Union and the United States have agreed to suspend all export fines for four months in the long-running Airbus and Boeing subsidy dispute. During that time, the new US President Joe Biden wants to make new trade agreements with the European Union. Biden visits Brussels. Stopping import duties would make many European food and meat products cheaper in …

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