Phil Schwartz

"Food expert. Unapologetic bacon maven. Beer enthusiast. Pop cultureaholic. General travel scholar. Total internet buff."

As a desert ant, how do you find your nest among all that sand?

As a desert ant, how do you find your nest among all that sand?

About the episode To find food and their nesting companions, desert ants have to travel gigantic distances of up to 2 kilometers in difficult conditions. And if they manage to find something to eat in this vast mass of burning sand, they face an even greater challenge: finding the nest. A specific species of ant, which lives in the salt …

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Disagreement with African members of OPEC+ over oil production targets

Disagreement with African members of OPEC+ over oil production targets

Photo: ANP African members of the OPEC+ oil cartel are under increasing pressure to give way in their oil production targets. This space would then belong to the United Arab Emirates (UAE), which would like to produce more. Angola and Nigeria in particular are struggling to meet their targets. The UAE is pushing for a different way of measuring production …

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galaxies captured in a fraction of the time!

galaxies captured in a fraction of the time!

Where the Hubble Space Telescope required an exposure time of over eleven days to create its “Ultra Deep Field” masterpiece, the James Webb Telescope needs just under a day to paint the same galaxies on the black canvas. On October 11, 2022, the James Webb Telescope was tasked with spending 20 hours observing a patch of sky in the constellation …

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Why do you have to yawn when you see someone else doing it?

Why do you have to yawn when you see someone else doing it?

June 3, 2023 Yawning or yawning is contagious. According to science, it is very easy to explain. It is said that if you see someone else yawning, you are six times more likely to yawn too. This would have to do with the concept of the social mirror. You are copying someone else’s behavior. scratch or laugh It can also …

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Let’s move on to the five thousand jobs at Betterwird Dokkum. Expansion of business park gives space for businesses

Let’s move on to the five thousand jobs at Betterwird Dokkum.  Expansion of business park gives space for businesses

The municipality of Noardeast-Fryslân is expanding the Betterwird business park by almost 10 hectares. This is done on the basis of a municipal program which ensures that these developments in the area are accelerated. This also includes accelerating housing construction. Ginnum contractor Folkertsma will carry out the work at Betterwird from 30 May. Climate and biodiversity are important points of …

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Rich or poor: All Indians behave the same online

Rich or poor: All Indians behave the same online

Aletta AndreJune 2, 202322:01 I’m queuing at a counter at the airport – I’m early and want to see if I can catch an earlier flight. When it’s almost my turn, a middle-aged man walks past me without hesitation or turning around and places his outstretched hand, holding a banknote, on the counter. Online Indians are known worldwide. The stranger …

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Official: ID Volkswagen. Buzz LWB Gets More Space and More Range (2023)

Official: ID Volkswagen.  Buzz LWB Gets More Space and More Range (2023)

More than a year ago, Volkswagen closed the curtain on the ID. Buzz, and there was secretly something wrong with it. It didn’t matter how much the Germans called their big EV “Buzz”; with five seats, it wasn’t much more of a bus than, say, a Passat. This meant, for example, that large families or shuttle services looking for an …

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The colder the living environment, the more social the behavior?

The colder the living environment, the more social the behavior?

About the episode For the first time, researchers have shown how an extremely cold living environment can lead to more social behavior. Langur monkeys and proboscis monkeys were surveyed for the study. These species can be found in a variety of habitats. From tropical rainforests to snow-capped mountain ranges. How did these species adapt to these colder conditions? Many different …

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Repair Café at the space – Saturday 03-06-2023 10:00

Repair Café at the space – Saturday 03-06-2023 10:00

Back to calendar overview… Saturday 03-06-2023 10:00 On Saturday 3 June 2023, you can return your broken items to Repair Café Goeree-Overflakkee, which is located at Good for Good in Sommelsdijk. Due to the move, the volunteers were temporarily housed in the building’s former canteen. Space was somewhat limited and it was a bit dark, but they enjoyed working with …

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‘Indentured labor just started with the abolition of slavery, that’s 150 years ago’

‘Indentured labor just started with the abolition of slavery, that’s 150 years ago’

Two contract workers from British India during festivities on Governmentsplein in Paramaribo on Queen’s Day, August 31. The photo was taken by Théodore van Lelyveld, between 1895 and 1898.Sculpture Theodore van Lelyveld / Rijksmuseum This wrote parole earlier on commemorating and celebrating the abolition of slavery (Keti Koti): • How many beautifully dressed people walk around here, thought artist Maartje …

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