Harold Manning

"Infuriatingly humble social media ninja. Devoted travel junkie. Student. Avid internet lover."

Major fire in Belgian nature reserve just across border at Zundert is under control, evacuated residents allowed to return home | 112 and crime

Major fire in Belgian nature reserve just across border at Zundert is under control, evacuated residents allowed to return home |  112 and crime

The fire broke out on Friday after military practice at the target. The consequences have been disastrous. In Antwerp, it rained ash, the smoke could be seen in space and drifted hundreds of kilometers across the country. About sixty firefighters of different strengths went out overnight. Chinooks from Gilze-Rijen were also used to fight the blaze. These firefighting helicopters contributed …

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Indonesian submarine pieces found, ‘no hope for survivors’

Indonesian submarine pieces found, 'no hope for survivors'

The Indonesian Navy found debris which most likely came from the submarine KRI Nanggala 402, missing since Wednesday arise from. Among other things, prayer rugs, a bottle of lubricating oil and a piece that holds the torpedoes upright were found. The discovery of this “genuine evidence” indicates, according to Indonesian Navy Chief of Staff Yudo Margono, that there is no …

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Big forest fire in Flanders after an army exercise

Big forest fire in Flanders after an army exercise

Since yesterday, a large forest fire has raged in Brecht, Flanders, after an army shooting exercise. According to the latest reports, around 1,000 hectares of land have been destroyed. The fire is not yet under control. As a precaution, 400 residents and a campsite were evacuated yesterday. They must have spent the night elsewhere. At the moment, it is not …

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Garden suddenly disappears due to landslide | Abroad

Garden suddenly disappears due to landslide |  Abroad

Because the coastline is made up of relatively fragile rocks, cobbles and dirt, the pieces often come loose. But a change of this caliber has never happened before. One of the residents even saw more than half of her garden disappear into the abyss last Tuesday. Local authorities have asked local residents to temporarily evacuate. Christian Pilling, who works nearby, …

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British Parliament Also Believes China Is Committing Genocide Against Uyghurs | NOW

The British Parliament also considers that China is committing genocide against Uyghurs  Now

British parliament on Friday condemned for the first time the treatment of Uyghurs in China’s Xinjiang province as “crimes against humanity and genocide,” reports BBC News. The motion, approved by a majority in parliament, does not force the UK to take action against China, but it is a strong signal of growing discontent with the Chinese government, said BBC News. …

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His own doctors call Navalny: stop the hunger strike | Abroad

His own doctors call Navalny: stop the hunger strike |  Abroad

During a call, doctors, including a cardiologist, ask Navalny, 44, to end his action as quickly as possible “to preserve your life and your health”. Protests in dozens of Russian cities were banned on Wednesday by supporters of Navalny expressing support for President Putin’s well-known opponent. Police have reportedly arrested at least nearly 1,500 people, including journalists. Russian authorities arrested …

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Distribution of Philip Roth biography ceased, biographer accused of sexual misconduct

Distribution of Philip Roth biography ceased, biographer accused of sexual misconduct

Distribution and promotion of author Philip Roth’s authorized biography has been temporarily suspended because the book’s author, Blake Bailey, 57, has been accused of sexual misconduct by former students. Publisher WW Norton announced to US media on Wednesday as The New York Times. Two women accuse Bailey of sexual assault. One of the two incidents was said to have been …

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Israel launches airstrike after Syrian missiles land on nuclear power plant | NOW

Israel launches airstrike after Syrian missiles land on nuclear power plant |  NOW

The Israeli military responded with an airstrike on Thursday to the detonation of a Syrian missile about 30 kilometers from a nuclear power plant. The country attacked Syrian missile launch facilities. The Israeli attack was reportedly repelled by Syrian anti-aircraft guns. Four soldiers were reportedly injured and property damage reportedly occurred. It is not known exactly what was damaged. Nothing …

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Navalny allies arrested before protests | Abroad

Navalny allies arrested before protests |  Abroad

Police raided or arrested activists in at least 20 towns, according to observation group OVD-Info. Among other things, agents searched Navalny’s offices in St. Petersburg, the country’s second largest city. Officers reportedly pulled lawyer Sobol out of a taxi. Spokeswoman Yarmish reported on her arrest on Twitter. Events in more than a hundred cities Navalny employees hope Wednesday will be …

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