Harold Manning

"Infuriatingly humble social media ninja. Devoted travel junkie. Student. Avid internet lover."

“Navalny could die at any time”, say his Russian doctors

"Navalny could die at any time", say his Russian doctors

His personal doctor and three other doctors have asked prison officials to grant them immediate access to Navalny. Hunger-strike Navalny went on a hunger strike at the end of March because he would not receive proper treatment for his complaints in prison. The Kremlin critic had back problems and numbness in his hands and legs. Navalny wants to be seen …

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Salvini must appear in court for blocking migrant ship

Salvini must appear in court for blocking migrant ship

Former Italian Interior Minister Matteo Salvini is due in court for his 2019 decision to stop a ship carrying migrants. The Palermo court ruled today and reports that the first hearing takes place in September. The leader of the right-wing populist party Lega is accused, among other things, of kidnapping. He illegally prevented migrants from landing on the island of …

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Russia expels US and Polish diplomats

Russia expels US and Polish diplomats

Russia will expel ten American diplomats in response to new sanctions imposed by the United States. Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov announced it. At least eight US government officials will also be on a sanctions list, and Lavrov says he is considering “painful measures” against US companies in Russia. Influencing the US Elections Yesterday the United States told ten Russian diplomats …

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Critical mediator in Poland must leave: ‘citizens lose their protection’

Critical mediator in Poland must leave: 'citizens lose their protection'

For many years he was one of the most influential opponents of the Conservative government: Polish ombudsman Adam Bodnar. He advocated against anti-LGBTI measures, the reduction of the abortion law and punitive measures for critical judges. But the work of the critical human rights lawyer is coming to an end: the Supreme Court ruled this morning that he would be …

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US Celebrities and Business Against Controversial Election Laws | Show

US Celebrities and Business Against Controversial Election Laws |  Show

Hundreds of well-known businessmen and celebrities have signed a declaration opposing discrimination in elections in the United States. They are doing so in response to various Republican bills that say they want to limit voter fraud. But, according to critics and signatories to the declaration, these laws actually make it more difficult for minority groups to vote. Republicans have bills …

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Huize Ashiana has a new leadership – Suriname Herald

Huize Ashiana has a new leadership - Suriname Herald

Minister Uraiqit Ramsaran of Social Affairs and Housing (Sozavo) installed Huize Ashiana with Director Melitia Sentilia of Social Affairs, the new Director, Brenda van Daal and the new Board of Directors of the Foundation for the Management and Operation of Huize Ashiana retirement homes (SBEB). Maison Ashiana has become an indispensable part of society due to the noble work it …

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