Harold Manning

"Infuriatingly humble social media ninja. Devoted travel junkie. Student. Avid internet lover."

United States to send 500 additional troops to Germany | Abroad

United States to send 500 additional troops to Germany |  Abroad

The massive withdrawal of US troops from Germany announced by former President Donald Trump is irrelevant, Austin said. The United States had previously put on hold this plan to withdraw 12,000 troops, much to Berlin’s delight. Trump believed that Germany is spending too little money on the armed forces. Since World War II, American troops have been stationed in Germany, …

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Allahu Akbar! Half of French teachers censor their own comments on Islam after Samuel Paty’s murder – From Daily Standaard

Allahu Akbar!  Half of French teachers censor their own comments on Islam after Samuel Paty's murder - From Daily Standaard

After the beheading of French teacher Samuel Paty by an Islamist, teachers in France are very shocked. A survey shows that half of French teachers practice self-censorship in matters of religion. This is reported by the Belgian VRT. After Samuel Paty’s death, more and more French people seem to feel a certain pressure to pay attention to what they say. …

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Woman uses rental car in two burglaries


A 28-year-old woman was arrested by Surinamese police for suspected theft. Among other things, a 42-inch television and two laptops were taken from the home of an injured person. Two watches, jewelry and perfumes were taken from the home of a second injured person, Suriname police reported. Police opened an investigation in which camera footage showed that a certain particular …

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Iran does not adhere to nuclear deal and will enrich uranium by up to 60% | Abroad

Iran does not adhere to nuclear deal and will enrich uranium by up to 60% |  Abroad

Iranian state media report that Natanz’s main nuclear facility is receiving 1,000 new centrifuges to enrich uranium. Problems were noted there at the end of last week, a day after new centrifuges were put into operation. According to Iran, Israel, the sworn enemy, is guilty of sabotage. Iran is not respecting the nuclear deal with its nuclear activities. The deal …

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Minneapolis Police Officer Who Shot Black Man Wanted To Taser

Minneapolis Police Officer Who Shot Black Man Wanted To Taser

It shows what happened after officers pulled Wright along the highway in Brooklyn Center, north of Minneapolis. Wright had committed a traffic violation and officers discovered that there was an outstanding arrest warrant. Wright is pushed against the side of his car. When the officers want to handcuff him, he unties himself and gets into the car. An officer then …

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“Turkey deliberately insulted Von der Leyen” | Abroad

"Turkey deliberately insulted Von der Leyen" |  Abroad

“The fact that Turkey did not give Von der Leyen a seat alongside President Erdogan and EU Council President Charles Michel was an insult from Turkey,” Beaune said on television French. “Turkey has behaved badly. It is a Turkish problem that was deliberately done against us. We must not create a feeling of guilt among Europeans, ”he added. The dismissal …

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Seven Haitian clergy kidnapped by armed gang | Abroad

Seven Haitian clergy kidnapped by armed gang |  Abroad

Five priests and two nuns were kidnapped Sunday morning in Croix-des-Bouquets, a congregation northeast of the capital Port-au-Prince. At the time, the clergy was preparing to appoint a new parish priest. The kidnappers would demand a ransom of one million dollars in exchange for their release, according to a former Catholic Church. According to local authorities, an armed gang called …

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Priests and nuns in Haiti kidnapped by an armed gang | NOW

Priests and nuns in Haiti kidnapped by an armed gang |  NOW

Seven members of the Catholic clergy, including two French nationals, were kidnapped in Haiti on Sunday. A spokesperson for the local Bishops’ Conference said so. Five priests and two nuns were kidnapped Sunday morning in Croix-des-Bouquets, a congregation northeast of the capital Port-au-Prince. At the time, the clergy was preparing to appoint a new parish priest. According to an elder …

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