
Guardians of the Galaxy – Buy, Budget Garbage, or Junk?

Guardians of the Galaxy - Buy, Budget Garbage, or Junk?

The Guardians of the Galaxy films have done more than well in the cinema. So it makes sense that a game was built around this franchise. And this game has been out for a week. Allowing you to roam as Star-Lord on a new adventure in the Guardians of the Galaxy universe. Square Enix is ​​the publisher of the title. …

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Guardians of Galaxy premium review “Beter in The Avengers?” “

Guardians of Galaxy premium review "Beter in The Avengers?"  "

Films about Guardians of the Galaxy have done well in theaters. So it makes sense that a game was built around this franchise. And this game has been out for a week. Allowing you to roam as Star-Lord on a new adventure in the Guardians of the Galaxy universe. Square Enix is ​​responsible for the game. And it’s risky, because …

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Spring becomes quieter: we hear less birds in spring

Spring becomes quieter: we hear less birds in spring

This is what research from the University of East Anglia shows which was published yesterday. We already knew that biodiversity is in decline in the world and this is also the case for birds. And if there are fewer birds, it makes sense to hear them less. Rich and complicated song Corn, write the researchers, this link is not that …

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House of Ashes Review – Buy, Budget, or Tear Down?

House of Ashes Review - Buy, Budget, or Tear Down?

We have a new review ready for you today. It’s a game that you can’t expect very soon. It is a horror game, therefore very suitable for Halloween. Today we are talking about House of Ashes. Skate played it and will talk about it at length here. JJ will ask him about his experiences with the game. With the main …

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Guardians of the Galaxy review in progress: “Big Surprise”

Guardians of the Galaxy review in progress: "Big Surprise"

It’s no secret that some of us are a bit of a fan of anything called Marvel. From the various MCU movies to the comics. Soufflé. And if a Guardians of the Galaxy game comes out and we can play it, then we’re here like the proverbial chickens. Especially Koos. He was the only one who received an early code, …

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Hubble, 30, broken for the second time this year: another failure

Hubble, 30, broken for the second time this year: another failure

Hubble’s computer system dates from the 1980s and manages on-board measuring instruments. Flight control is investigating what is going on, reports the space agency NASA. Backup system The Hubble was supposed to be last summer too to be arrested. Then, the power supply to a computer on board the satellite failed. It took NASA a month to find the problem …

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Massive collision costs the planet its atmosphere

Massive collision costs the planet its atmosphere

Such violent confrontations are likely to be common in young solar systems, including our own. But this is the first time that researchers have found evidence of this. The formation of a planetary system is often a somewhat messy affair. For example, it is not uncommon for objects to collide. When this happens, the celestial bodies can merge together, creating …

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