Thelma Binder

"Explorer. Devoted travel specialist. Web expert. Organizer. Social media geek. Coffee enthusiast. Extreme troublemaker. Food trailblazer. Total bacon buff."

The first 10 natural disasters of 2021 will cost $ 170 billion

The first 10 natural disasters of 2021 will cost $ 170 billion

The first ten natural disasters last year caused $ 170 billion in damage. This was stated in a statement issued by the British non-governmental organization Christian Aid on Monday. The floods that ravaged Belgium last summer are in second place. Hurricane Ida pounded the United States in late August and early September, causing maximum damage of $ 65 million. The …

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NATO: ‘More and more Russian troops on Ukraine border’ | Abroad

NATO: 'More and more Russian troops on Ukraine border' |  Abroad

Russian President Vladimir Putin has accused the United States of “aggressive” approach to the conflict with Ukraine and threatened counter-measures. “If the aggressive policy of our colleagues in the West continues, we will respond aggressively with adequate military-technical measures to these non-aligned measures,” Putin said after consultations with the Defense Ministry on Tuesday. The West fears a Russian invasion of …

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NATO and the United States should provide additional information on Russia’s presence in Ukraine

NATO and the United States should provide additional information on Russia's presence in Ukraine

Feedback 23 December 2021 Despite all the undeniable evidence to the contrary, the Kremlin continues to deny the existence of comrades in the area. CC-Photo: Mstyslav Chernov Russia’s presence in eastern Ukraine (Donbass) is an open secret. Since March 2014, the media, even Russians, have held high positions in the region with Russian troops, Russian advisers and Russian citizens. In …

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Phillips: First test results favorable for sleep apnea devices

Phillips: First test results favorable for sleep apnea devices

Photo: ANP Philips, a medical technology company, believes that chemical reactions are unlikely to have long-term health effects for those who use breathing apparatus during sleep. The company recently tested the first generation of those devices. Many more are not clear. Philips has yet to make a decision on the materials used in the crash insulation foam or the new …

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U.S. officials investigate game activity on Tesla cars

U.S. officials investigate game activity on Tesla cars

Photo: ANP Authorities in the United States have launched a security investigation into a game feature in Tesla cars. Of the 580,000 Tesla sold out since 2017, the driver can play touch screen games next to the driver while driving. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) this feature increases the risk of accidents because it can distract …

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Birth year 1965 for booster சோதனை Testing for vaccination of children begins in Brussels

Birth year 1965 for booster சோதனை Testing for vaccination of children begins in Brussels

The Randstad Employment Agency today filed a complaint against the founders of the Auxiliary Alliance Foundation, Syward von Lyndon, Bernd Tom and Camil von Kestel. Randstadt confirms this after the report Follow the money (FTM). Last year, Randstad provided fifteen employees for a non-profit initiative that brought masks to the Netherlands. Randstadt’s head of legal affairs tells the FTM that …

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Less Dutch food for Britons due to Brexit | Economy

Less Dutch food for Britons due to Brexit |  Economy

According to new statistics from the Netherlands (CBS), Brexit has dealt a major blow to Dutch food exports to the United Kingdom. In contrast, less vegetables, meat and dairy products were imported from the British Isles in the first eight months of 2021 than last year. Exports of meat, dairy, fish, fruits and vegetables to the UK stood at 2.2 …

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Bank of America wants to provide crypto in its own application – BTC Direct

Bank of America wants to provide crypto in its own application - BTC Direct

Imagine: you open your online banking app and you can buy crypto instantly. This may soon come true in the United States. Bakkt, a digital property manager, Announced today Manasquan Bank will participate in their early adapter program. This means that once the scheme is implemented, they will allow their customers to buy cryptocurrencies through the bank. Reliable, but innovative …

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The United States is returning to the softer emission standards for Trump-era cars

The United States is returning to the softer emission standards for Trump-era cars

ANP Monday, 20 December 2021 20:08 Washington (AP / RTR / BLOOMBERG) – US withdraws easing emissions standards for Trump-era cars. Environmental regulator EPA has announced new requirements that will force automakers to reduce CO2 emissions from their cars by almost 23 percent above the standards set under President Donald Trump. It was already clear that the Joe Biden government …

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