Thelma Binder

"Explorer. Devoted travel specialist. Web expert. Organizer. Social media geek. Coffee enthusiast. Extreme troublemaker. Food trailblazer. Total bacon buff."

Knot: 200 million freeze on Russian assets • US: China’s silence on invasion

Knot: 200 million freeze on Russian assets • US: China's silence on invasion

More Russian money has been frozen than Finance Minister Gog announced earlier this week. He wrote in a letter to the House of Representatives that 6 million euros in Russian assets had been frozen in the Netherlands. According to Klaas Knot, chairman of De Nederlandsche Bank, it is now 200 200 million. He declared News hours⁇ Knott says the difference …

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Bachingo S01E01-02: Beautiful cross section | De Lagarde

Bachingo S01E01-02: Beautiful cross section |  De Lagarde

In the book Pachingo (2017) Novelist Min Jin Lee shares the glorious history of this Asian country from the perspective of four generations of a South Korean family. The story is long, approximately from 1915 to 1990. Screenwriter Hugh Soo (The Whispers, 2015) decided to turn this bestseller into a miniseries: this is indeed an ambitious endeavor. However, in the …

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North Korean missile completes Japanese waters | Abroad

North Korean missile completes Japanese waters |  Abroad

North Korea fired an “unidentified missile” on Thursday. Says the South Korean military. Pyongyang has been launching continuously since the beginning of the year. The Japanese Defense Ministry said the bomber struck shortly after noon in front of a Japanese military base. Japanese authorities consider it an intercontinental ballistic missile. The United Nations has strongly condemned the missile test. Editorial …

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The British and Americans agree to reduce steel and aluminum tariffs

The British and Americans agree to reduce steel and aluminum tariffs

The United States and the United Kingdom have reached an agreement to gradually reduce mutual import duties, including steel and aluminum. Former President Trump decided on an additional tax in 2018, in his own words to protect the US economy, after which Europe also introduced tariffs on US products. Some of Britain’s steel and aluminum exports are now exempt from …

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Suriname eliminates visa requirements for five countries

Suriname abolishes visa requirement for five countries

Travelers from the United States, the Netherlands, Belgium, France and Canada will soon be able to travel to Suriname without a visa. This was stated by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, International Trade and International Cooperation (BIBIS) Albert Ramdin at a press conference yesterday. Naturally, passengers have to pay the entrance fee at Johan Adolf Pengel International Airport. The Minister …

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US: More sanctions soon against allies against Russia

US: More sanctions soon against allies against Russia

The White House says the United States and its Western allies will announce additional sanctions against Russia this week. U.S. National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan said that would happen when US President Joe Biden meets NATO and the European Union in Brussels on Thursday. ANP / AFP / Nicholas Gum According to the security adviser, this is about the next …

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US response to Spain’s new stance on Sahara

US response to Spain's new stance on Sahara

March 22, 2022 – 9:00 pm – World The United States has responded to Spain’s new stance on the Sahara issue. According to Madrid, “the Moroccan Autonomous Plan is the most serious, realistic and credible basis for a solution to the conflict.” The United States has said it agrees with Spain on “considering Morocco’s autonomy plan as the most serious, …

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Readers with questions about heredity and isolation

Readers with questions about heredity and isolation

Each week, experts answer readers’ questions about financial and legal issues. This week is about inheritance and rejection of subsidy on insulation. Inheritance rejection My daughter has lived in the United States for over twenty years. Her father died recently. He is married and has no choice. If his wife does not accept the inheritance, my daughter and her half-brother …

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Following Morocco, Spain is also in crisis with Algeria

Following Morocco, Spain is also in crisis with Algeria

March 21, 2022 – 6:20 PM – World Spain put an end to the crisis with Morocco and decided to support the Kingdom’s plan of autonomy for the Sahara. Change in perception of crisis with Algeria, one of Spain’s main gas suppliers. Spain’s decision to support Morocco’s Sahara Autonomy program had serious repercussions on its relations with Algeria. In a …

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