Who exactly is Amanda Gorman and what does she have in store for us?

Who exactly is Amanda Gorman and what does she have in store for us?

22-year-old poet Amanda Gorman has hundreds of thousands in one fell swoop Instagram Followers has received. The poet wore at the inauguration of President Joe Biden like the youngest poet to recite a poem. At 6.30 p.m. Dutch time it still had 170,000 subscribers, a few hours later it was already 1.1 million. Amanda Gorman probably wasn’t expecting it. But …

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These moments from Joe Biden’s inauguration went viral

These moments from Joe Biden's inauguration went viral

First of all, it is former president Bernie Sanders (79) who creates the hilarity with his practical outfit including warm knitted mittens. The already iconic image of the politician in his seat is photoshopped in the most possible way. The glove maker, a teacher from Sanders State of Vermont, said on Twitter that she sent the gloves to him a …

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Princess kidnapped by the family: “ we take care of her at home ”

Princess kidnapped by the family: `` we take care of her at home ''

“She is getting better and better and we hope she will return to the public at a convenient time,” the family wrote in a statement to the British Embassy. Secret video footage This week, a secret video footage was released in which Latifa, 35, says she is being held in a villa. His father, Sheikh Mohammed al-Maktoum, is believed to …

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America is – once again – back. But for how long?

America is - once again - back.  But for how long?

Joe Biden knows better than anyone how to do this, announcing that America will be a reliable partner again. “I come to Europe on behalf of a new government, a government that wants to make a new declaration not only in Washington, but also in America’s relations with the rest of the world.” Those words were appropriate on Friday, but …

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Ridderkerks Dagblad | Rotterdam Port Authority recommends nitrogen bank


The Rotterdam Port Authority pleads for the creation of a nitrogen bank. This gives the port authority the space to invest billions of dollars. If there is no solution to the nitrogen problem, companies will look for a place outside the Netherlands, according to the port authority. The design of the nitrogen bank should match the supply and demand for …

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A Beginner’s Guide To Horse Racing

Horse racing is one of those sports that you never seem to be too far away from, but do you know as much about it as you should? This, after all, is one of the most popular sports in the world and one that has bags of history. While there are plenty of reasons people love horse racing, the most …

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Woerden has a new financial and space advisor

Woerden has a new financial and space advisor

Woerden – Ad de Regt can start as a new alderman for Woerden. The new alderman, appointed by Lijst van der Does, was appointed by the city council on Thursday evening February 18. This happened during a digital city council meeting. De Regt succeeds Arthur Bolderdijk, who left at the beginning of January. Appointment by the council of the municipality …

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