Thelma Binder

"Explorer. Devoted travel specialist. Web expert. Organizer. Social media geek. Coffee enthusiast. Extreme troublemaker. Food trailblazer. Total bacon buff."

Uyghurs are Western nations that criticize oppression

Uyghurs are Western nations that criticize oppression

France, the United States, Germany, Canada and the United Kingdom have recently spoken out against Uyghur repression in China’s Xinjiang region. Activists and UN According to human rights experts, at least one million Uyghurs, an Islamic minority group, are being called to re-education camps in the Western Autonomous Region. French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian spoke at the UN Human …

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In the records by the expected economic recovery of Wall Street

In the records by the expected economic recovery of Wall Street

For now, there is no reason for the Federal Reserve to intervene, despite rising inflation and steady economic growth. The umbrella of the central banks of the United States will support the country’s economy until it takes over. The outlook improved on the actions taken by Congress earlier. But according to the central bank, it will take some time for …

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Algeria’s military intervention in the Sahara?

Algeria's military intervention in the Sahara?

March 15, 2021 – 9:40 pm – Morocco © Algeria could launch a military intervention in the Sahara, which could destabilize the region. At the very least, this is clear from the report of the Crisis Group, an international think tank, which recommends that Rabat accept Morocco’s international partners accused of negotiating the expansion of a new ambassador, without preconditions. …

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The United States formally rejoined the Paris Climate Agreement


A month after Joe Biden became president, the United States rejoined the Paris Climate Agreement on Friday. With that, Biden is fulfilling one of his election promises. In a statement, US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken said, “It’s important to remember how unforgettable we went to this agreement in 2016, and how unforgettable it is that we are back today. …

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EU wants to punish China for actions against Uyghurs –

EU wants to punish China for actions against Uyghurs -

Brussels (ANP) – The European Union wants to punish China for violating the human rights of the Uyghur Muslim minority in the Xinjiang region. The American newspaper The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) Brussels reports that this is the first time the EU has imposed sanctions on communist rule since the bloody repression of the uprising in Tiananmen Square in Beijing …

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G7 expresses concerns about ‘democracy erosion’ in Hong Kong

G7 expresses concerns about 'democracy erosion' in Hong Kong

The G7, which includes the United States, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom and Japan, called on the authorities in China and Hong Kong to “restore confidence in Hong Kong’s political institutions.” The Chinese parliament on Thursday gave the green light to reform the Hong Kong electoral system. Critics fear this could further marginalize pro-democratic opposition in the former …

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China and Russia are waiting with bated breath for an official decision

China and Russia are waiting with bated breath for an official decision

China insists the outcome of the vote has not yet been determined. “I noticed Mr. Biden saying he was the winner of the election,” it reported. “Our understanding is that the outcome of the election will be determined in accordance with US laws and procedures,” a State Department spokesman told a news conference. No comments yet The Kremlin said it …

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Surprise on the new Cyclocross calendar: Cover on February 12th

Surprise on the new Cyclocross calendar: Cover on February 12th

UCI has released the Cyclocross Calendar 2021-2022. Some changes in this compared to previous years. Most eye-catching: Transfer the Super Prestige branch from Cover, one of the classics in the world of cyclocross, to February. It does not make anyone happy. The Belgian cyclocross season begins on September 11 with the Etios Cross in Logeran. In the coming weeks, only …

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