Thelma Binder

"Explorer. Devoted travel specialist. Web expert. Organizer. Social media geek. Coffee enthusiast. Extreme troublemaker. Food trailblazer. Total bacon buff."

Will sanctions stop Putin? What is stopping the West from taking drastic action?

Will sanctions stop Putin?  What is stopping the West from taking drastic action?

“If you want to disconnect Russia from the International Monetary Fund, for example, by expelling Russia from the Swift system of international payments, or by denying Russia access to international capital markets, for example, by blocking the conversion of Russian rubles into US dollars, you are effectively attacking Russia. “But there is another danger,” warns Van Gogh. “You threaten to …

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Biden announces sanctions against Russia ப்பிய EU: ‘We make Russia as hard as possible’

Biden announces sanctions against Russia ப்பிய EU: 'We make Russia as hard as possible'

President Biden has announced the first set of sanctions against Russia. Sanctions target two of Russia’s largest banks. They do not get money from Western countries. Members of the Russian elite and their families have also been affected by the sanctions, Biden said. The U.S. president said in a speech that the Americans were working with Germany to temporarily block …

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Qatar: It is not possible to change the gas supply from Russia

Qatar: It is not possible to change the gas supply from Russia

Photo: ANP If the Russians decide to shut off the gas pipeline to Europe, no country in the world, including Qatar, will be able to divert Russian gas supplies to Europe. Qatar’s Energy Minister Saad al – Kafi has warned. Due to the conflict in Ukraine, Moscow may suspend gas supplies. Qatar, for example, has long-term agreements with Asian customers. …

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US: Russia can end the crisis through Ukrainian diplomacy if it so desires

US: Russia can end the crisis through Ukrainian diplomacy if it so desires

ANP Products ⁇ Source: AP Saturday, February 12, 2022 at 08:58 Washington US Secretary of State Anthony Blingen has said that the Ukraine crisis can be resolved “through Russia” through diplomatic channels. Blingen, who is visiting Fiji, will hold talks with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on Saturday. “If the United States chooses the path of aggression in Moscow, we …

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The United States does not see the Russian peacekeeping force in eastern Ukraine as an invader

The United States does not see the Russian peacekeeping force in eastern Ukraine as an invader

Photo: ANP The decision by Russian President Vladimir Putin to send so-called peacekeepers to eastern Ukraine has not been interpreted by the United States as an invasion of Ukraine. An unnamed Biden government official told reporters Monday night (local time) that the United States would continue to seek a diplomatic solution to the conflict “until tanks begin to roll.” During …

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China is still investing billions in three coal mines

China is still investing billions in three coal mines

Photo: ANP China is still investing billions in three different coal mining projects. This means that the country will continue to use fossil fuels that are avoided in most parts of the world. China’s National Development Authority plans to invest 24 billion yuan (approximately 3.3 billion euros) in projects. With this investment, the Chinese government hopes to prevent new power …

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Tesla needs to adjust the function to goat plating and ford sounds

Tesla needs to adjust the function to goat plating and ford sounds

And it is dangerous for pedestrians. Judged National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, U.S. Traffic Controller. For example, they can’t hear a car approaching. Not fun anymore Electric cars are needed in the United States to make the sound of slow driving, so that pedestrians can hear it as the vehicle approaches. So Tesla has been installing speakers on the exterior …

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OSCE counts 1,500 ceasefire violations in eastern Ukraine, NATO says Russia is now preparing for attack

OSCE counts 1,500 ceasefire violations in eastern Ukraine, NATO says Russia is now preparing for attack

Meanwhile, tensions are rising between the Ukrainian military and Russian-backed separatists in eastern Ukraine. “There was a huge explosion north of the city of Donetsk. The ceasefire agreement between Russian-backed rebels and the Ukrainian military has been violated 20 times today alone,” said Tom van de Vege, a VRT correspondent from Ukraine. The Ukrainian military says two soldiers were killed. …

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