Earl Warner

"Devoted bacon guru. Award-winning explorer. Internet junkie. Web lover."

Chinese campaign mocks president after COVID-19 diagnosis

Chinese campaign mocks president after COVID-19 diagnosis

“President Trump and the First Lady have paid the price for dropping COVID-19 for his gamble,” tweeted Hu Jijin, editor-in-chief of the Global Times. President Donald Trump, the editor-in-chief of one of China’s state-owned media outlets, and First Lady Melania Trump have suggested that the corona virus deal was “paid for”. Trump tested positive for the corona virus late Thursday, …

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Faced with harsh opinion polls, Trump has leaned towards playing victim

Faced with harsh opinion polls, Trump has leaned towards playing victim

On Thursday afternoon, former Vice President Joseph R. President Trump said he had won the debate against Biden Jr., who later complained about how the Presidential Debate Commission might change the procedures for his next event. Opponent again. “Why should I allow the Debating Commission to change the rules for the second and third debates when I won easily last …

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Roy Wade’s Amy Connie Barrett signs newspaper ad for ‘Barbarism’

Amy Connie Barrett, The Supreme Court candidate, signed a proclamation in 2006 calling for Roy Wade to be overthrown, calling the abortion rights decision “barbaric” and “the exercise of judicial power”. The two-page ad, published by the St. Joseph County Right to Life group, an anti-choice organization in South Bend, Indiana, is the most important piece of evidence since Barrett’s …

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Democratic governors vow that all votes will be counted

Democratic governors vow that all votes will be counted

Lansing, Mitch. – Twelve Democratic governors released a joint statement Wednesday defending American democracy, promising that every valid ballot in the election will be counted after President Donald Trump sows distrust during the coup. First Presidential Debate. Trump Claimed without proof Tuesday night’s postal vote – popular during corona virus outbreaks – is ripe for fraud and he has refused …

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The Louisville police officer who murdered Prona Taylor is raising money to retire

The Louisville police officer who murdered Prona Taylor is raising money to retire

Detective Miles Cosgrove was one of three Louisville officers Shooting at Taylor’s apartment For serving on a search warrant related to Taylor’s ex-boyfriend last March. Taylor, an emergency room technician, died of multiple gunshot wounds. Now, Kaskrov is looking for funds in the “Christian Grudfunding Platform” Kiwsentko, so he can “buy the rest of his service time” and retire, according …

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Pixel 5 Phone Announcement: Watch Google’s virtual event live today

Pixel 5 Phone Announcement: Watch Google's virtual event live today

It’s been a busy month for virtual phone launchers, and today it’s Google’s turn Start the night of September 30th. Google ago Released the Pixel 4A budget phone In August, Confirms the presence of its next primary pixel 5 on the same day, And the upcoming Pixel 4A 5G, both of which will support 5G. The call for Google’s September …

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Police caravan driver clears finger at Cleveland Black Lives Matter protesters outside presidential debate

Police caravan driver clears finger at Cleveland Black Lives Matter protesters outside presidential debate

Not far from the scene of a nonviolent social justice struggle involving Black Lives Matter Cleveland, vehicles carrying armed officers returned to Hazel Drive from East Boulevard. Preliminary meeting estimates suggest that at least 500 people attended the event. “Why are you in revolt? I do not see any rioting here, ”protesters chanted as vehicles passed by. A finger salute …

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Trump and Biden are personally preparing for a possible presidential debate

Trump and Biden are personally preparing for a possible presidential debate

About 100 miles north of Wilmington, Delaware, a similar scene was played with Biden and his team led by longtime Biden assistant and debating expert Ron Klein. Biden’s preparation is very traditional – he plays Trump in at least one session with senior Democrat Bob Bauer. For two different men with polar opposing attitudes and different governing philosophies, their debate …

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New York City kids have to go back to school

New York City kids have to go back to school

The country’s largest school district is opening classroom doors to students in elementary schools, as well as continuing to offer online options Corona virus infection. Mayor Bill de Blasio has vowed to return to school in person for the city’s 1.1 million students and 75,000 teachers, but the new school year Many times late In the midst of conflicts with …

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