Trump and Biden are personally preparing for a possible presidential debate

About 100 miles north of Wilmington, Delaware, a similar scene was played with Biden and his team led by longtime Biden assistant and debating expert Ron Klein. Biden’s preparation is very traditional – he plays Trump in at least one session with senior Democrat Bob Bauer.

For two different men with polar opposing attitudes and different governing philosophies, their debate objectives have some basic things in common: to protect their opponent and vote for one as much as possible. In conversations with multiple sources who know the preparation of both candidates, each practices ways to get under the skin of the other, while avoiding exploding the script if the discussion becomes personal.

Counselors for both candidates expect one of the biggest flashpoints of the night about each man’s children.

Their belief is that it knocks Pitan out of his game – either make him explode or say something wrong.

Biden’s team is working with Trump to get his son ready to follow. Trump advisers also spent time working with the president to keep quiet if Biden retaliated by calling Trump’s daughter and nephew, both White House aides with no previous government experience. However, one source who is well aware of Fiden’s product is that his plan is to stay away from this project.

Studying past events

Counselors for both are preparing each candidate’s past debates for tonight’s contest.

Look at any discussion of Biden, it is clear that he has some jokes. Because he has been told for decades that he talks too much, he often stops the interim sentence when he sees the time is up. Some advisers say that when he discusses someone like Trump, if he tries to be polite, it may be considered weak – something that should be avoided.

“I think he’s not polite against someone who’s been a terrible bully. I think he’s strong. I think he’s clear. He’s supposed to own the stage, right? ‘ And led to 200,000 deaths, and that person should not be president. I should be here, why. ” Cronhome is a CNN contributor.

The first U.S. presidential debate takes place on September 28, 2020 at the Case Western Reserve University and the Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland, Ohio.  - Tuesday's clash in Cleveland, Ohio, will be the first time in 90 minutes of debate that voters will have the opportunity to see candidates facing each other.

He warns that, like other Biden allies, it is wrong to spend too much time testing the president.

“He can start by saying from the beginning and acknowledging that Donald Trump is a liar and that he will lie during this debate, but he can’t fight lies when he gets Donald Trump’s message. Talk to people about what he’s going to do for them. It’s not about that. “

As for the president, some of his advisers believe he is ruling in the natural course of getting more personal.

“I would say avoid getting overly personal and sticking to issues,” said Kellian Conway, Trump’s 2016 campaign manager.

But Conway added, “You can question me. I was loud about this. You can question Joe Biden’s readiness for the presidency, his sharpness, his agility, his endurance, his readiness for work.”

The Trump team has been urging the president to lean on key promises for 2016 Negotiating again with NAFTA. They also believe – when it comes to the issue of race – that he is leading both parties Criminal Justice Reform Bill He signed the law.

Conway said the president has been watching videos of Biden’s previous debates and his own debates against Clinton four years ago.

Trump advisers believe Biden will become a blueprint when it comes to numbers – and therefore – they are sticking to ways for the president to do just that in Tuesday night’s debate.

Focus on the corona virus

The way Biden’s advisers view it, a successful first debate, the crime against former Vice President Gov. 19, the issue that has elevated the lives of Americans and Trump’s presidency.

“It’s so much around the cove. The economy is around the cove. Our position in the world is around the cove. He hopes to incorporate what he calls empathy into his answers to this issue.

Within Trump’s product, advisers tell CNN that they are working to provide him with tools to overcome Biden’s widths of infection. Biden compares America’s high case numbers with other countries, sowing doubt in the number of others.

They work together to move beyond Trump’s points of view, such as restricting travel from China.

“I want to focus on things that people don’t know much about, this is the millions and millions of PPEs issued. Billions of dollars in PPP loans to small businesses,” Conway said.

One of the hardest things to do in preparing any candidate for a political debate is to deal with him or her the fact that an attack is coming.

In the role of the then Alaskan NGO Paul, which Biden discussed in 2008, and this year’s Mass War Massacre Sen. He has acted like Elizabeth Warren and has done it many times with Granhome Biden.

“You have to find the hard stuff and go after him,” Granholm said.

“You’re ready for it, it’s not going to make you emotional. It’s very important,” he added. .

Although those in the room find it difficult to imagine Trump truly preparing for the signing, Conway said he understands its importance and “appreciates people shooting questions at him.”

“No one wants to ask difficult questions for the first time in a debate in front of hundreds of millions of people. You want to ask this before among advisers who know you, who understand issues, who understand politics and policy, who have witnessed any debate over the years,” Conway said.

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