It’s time to give our Flandrians the necessary space

It's time to give our Flandrians the necessary space

This week there are no in-depth newspaper articles about, interviews or reviews of Annemiek van Vleuten, Anna van der Breggen, Lotte Kopecky or Marianne Vos. Newspaper readers will think, “Who are you talking about?” Yes, that’s because there is hardly a Tour of Flanders race report for women on the sports pages. Then you don’t know the winner or the …

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Fifty years ago everyone suddenly went on the jogging track

Fifty years ago everyone suddenly went on the jogging track

AthleticsNew In the early 1970s, our country was under the spell of grooming, with everyone moving outdoors. The TV show Andere Tijden did it diffusion completed. Decoupage in the Amsterdamse Bos, photo Going through Amsterdam City Archives bee The telegraph from August 18, 1969 was an appendix with a front page photo of Foreign Minister Luns smiling in a swimming …

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Myanmar ambassador to London does not enter his own embassy

Myanmar ambassador to London does not enter his own embassy

The Burmese army staged a coup on February 1 after the Democratic Party of Prime Minister Aung San Suu Kyi won elections in November. The military arrested members of the civilian government and charged Aung San Suu Kyi and his party with electoral fraud, among others. Excluded Ambassador to London Kyaw Zwar Minn has broken with the junta in recent …

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IMF more optimistic about global economy, especially by US

IMF more optimistic about global economy, especially by US

This is clear from the World Economic Outlook of April, which was released today. The global economy as a whole will grow by 6% by 2021, estimates the IMF. In January, growth of 5.5 percent was assumed. There is an upward trend, as the forecast for January was also slightly better than the 5.2 percent forecast the IMF assumed in …

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Netflix USA Show in the Netherlands in 4 steps

Netflix USA Show in the Netherlands in 4 steps

This way, you have access to many other movies and series on Netflix with just a few simple steps. Netflix is ​​a great streaming service in the Netherlands. Compared to recent years, the range has improved considerably. However, compare it to the offers available in the US and we still have a lot to learn here. It is, among other …

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Wolvenvallei Kralingse Bos makes way for more nature with new “ rivers ”

Wolvenvallei Kralingse Bos maakt ruimte voor meer natuur (Foto: Maikel Coomans)

In the Kralingse Bos in Rotterdam, the so-called Wolvenvallei was redesigned last year. A space has been made for a cove with nature-friendly banks. During the year, plants and animals find their place here and the biotope develops. The municipality wishes to follow this on the basis of videos of visitors. The pools (ponds / ponds) of Wolvenvallei in Kralingse …

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US wants to talk about boycotting the China Winter Games | sport

US wants to talk about boycotting the China Winter Games |  sport

Human rights organizations have called for a boycott of the Games in China because human rights are violated there. This mainly concerns the oppression of Uyghurs in China’s Xinjiang region. A spokesperson for the ministry did not want to confirm whether there are already discussions: “But coordinated action would not only be in our interest, but also in the interest …

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Biden government resumes financial aid to Palestinians

Biden government resumes financial aid to Palestinians

The US government is re-allocating money to the United Nations Palestinian refugee aid organization UNRWA. It was created in 1949 for Palestinians who had fled their homes, villages and towns in previous years because of the Arab-Israeli conflict. Almost 6 million Palestinians depend on aid. “The United States is pleased to announce that we can resume economic, humanitarian and development …

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Biden wants US to stay ahead of China –

Biden wants US to stay ahead of China -

WASHINGTON (ANP / AFP / BLOOMBERG) – US President Joe Biden has said his plan to invest more than $ 2 trillion in infrastructure is necessary to secure the leadership position of the United States. He particularly highlighted the emerging power of China. Massive overhaul of transportation links and investment in modern technology are needed “for America to run the …

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Do you buy a car from domains? Notice …

Do you buy a car from domains?  Notice ...

Recently we have been talking a lot about the many exclusive cars that are coming up for sale in the domains. But is it really smart to buy a car there ..? Deals are always good, elegant and expensive cars are relatively reasonably priced. However, there seems to be more behind the cars placed on the website with domains. We …

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What is the current situation with space law?

What is the current situation with space law?

With more and more countries targeting outer space and even talking about the extraction of natural resources such as metals, it is more urgent than ever to regulate outer space. But how do you do this for something that is infinite and does not belong to anyone? What is the current situation with space law? In the United States, the …

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