Thelma Binder

"Explorer. Devoted travel specialist. Web expert. Organizer. Social media geek. Coffee enthusiast. Extreme troublemaker. Food trailblazer. Total bacon buff."

Negotiations on a nuclear deal with Iran are accelerating


Ambassadors from Iran have said talks on the Iranian nuclear program in Vienna are accelerating. The aim is to get both Iran and the United States to agree to the 2015 International Atomic Energy Agreement again. In addition to Iran, the European Union, Russia, China, Germany, France and the United Kingdom are on the list. The United States, which withdrew …

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Luke Johnson talks about being an international student during an epidemic

Luke Johnson talks about being an international student during an epidemic

Baker University has many international students. Most of them go to America to study and play sports. I am an international student from the Netherlands, studying at Baker University for a bachelor’s degree in international studies. On campus I was part of the athletic team and a member of the Zeta C Brotherhood. The ongoing COVID-19 epidemic has had a …

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Attorney: British-Iranian aid worker Zakari-Radcliffe is back in jail

Attorney: British-Iranian aid worker Zakari-Radcliffe is back in jail

A court in Iran has re-convicted British-Iranian aid worker Nassan Zakari-Radcliffe. She faces up to a year in prison. According to his lawyer, who spoke to the Andhra News Agency and the BBC, he has been convicted of campaigning against the Iranian regime. He was sentenced in 2009 for participating in a protest at the Iranian embassy in London. Zachary-Radcliffe …

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Chinese social media sites Oscar winner Zhao | Now

Chinese social media sites Oscar winner Zhao |  Now

Chinese social media sites take news about Oscar winner and director Chloe Zhao, writes The Wall Street Journal Monday. Search results for search engines Baidu and Soyuk for the awards ceremony have also dropped significantly. Picture of Zhao Nomlandland Won the Oscar for Best Picture. After Zhao received his gift, positive reactions were received from Chinese Weibo, the equivalent of …

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Luke Johnson talks about being an international student during an epidemic

Luke Johnson talks about being an international student during an epidemic

Baker University has many international students. Most of them go to America to study and play sports. I am an international student from the Netherlands, studying at Baker University for a bachelor’s degree in international studies. On campus I was part of the athletic team and a member of the Zeta C Brotherhood. The ongoing COVID-19 epidemic has had a …

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The Black Sea is the focal point in Russia and the West

The Black Sea is the focal point in Russia and the West

A peaceful moment in the trenches in the front line of the Ukrainian army Korlyvka with Russian-backed separatists in the Donetsk region.Image AFP Tensions are rising in and around the Black Sea. British newspaper The Sunday Times The news broke yesterday that the United Kingdom is sending two naval vessels to the Black Sea. According to the newspaper, it is …

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This is the state of affairs (and expected) in recent US states | Now

This is the state of affairs (and expected) in recent US states |  Now

Although Democrat Joe Biden has a significant lead in the US presidential election, the chances of his Republican rival Donald Trump have not yet been completely wasted. This is the state of affairs and is expected in the last (important) five states, in which the counting still takes place. Intermediate score At least 270 of the 538 electoral votes to …

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Biden wants to reduce greenhouse gas emissions very quickly

Biden wants to reduce greenhouse gas emissions very quickly

Washington “Scientists tell us this is a defined decade,” Biden said during his speech. He said action should be taken now to avoid the “bad effects of the climate crisis”. Alternatively, according to the President, mankind will often have to deal with heat waves, fires, hurricanes, floods and other natural disasters. The Democrats did not just paint a threatening picture …

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Germany warns that separating the pair from China is the wrong way to go

Germany warns that separating the pair from China is the wrong way to go

German Foreign Minister Heiko Moss wears a safety mask during a meeting with US Secretary of State Anthony Blingen on April 14, 2021 in Brussels, Belgium. Reuters / Jonah Geron / Paul Despite many differences, Germany said on Wednesday that the EU should enter into a dialogue with China instead of choosing an isolated approach with China. “In the EU, …

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Biden: Climate policy offers better economic opportunities

Biden: Climate policy offers better economic opportunities

Photo: ANP The fight against climate change offers better economic opportunities. U.S. President Joe Biden said this on the second day of the Digital Climate Summit that began in Washington. According to Biden, the new policies could create millions of well-paid jobs worldwide. Among other things, he pointed to the expansion of electric mobility and the commitment to renewable energy …

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