
Glaciers lost ice the size of Europe’s tallest mountain in 10 years | climate

Glaciers lost ice the size of Europe’s tallest mountain in 10 years |  climate

26 apr 2023 om 17:34 Glaciers have melted rapidly in recent years. Between 2010 and 2020, no less than 2,720 gigatonnes of glacier ice disappeared, or 2,720,000,000,000,000 kilograms. This is equivalent to 2% of all glacial ice in the world. Especially in 2011 and 2019 a lot of ice melted. British scientists have measurements from the European ice satellite CryoSat-2 …

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Your WhatsApp account can now be used on multiple phones

Your WhatsApp account can now be used on multiple phones

WhatsApp users have been able to link multiple devices to their account for a while, but aside from a phone, this was only possible on computers and tablets, and not yet on other phones. Now there is also the possibility to use the same account with several smartphones, reports WhatsApp. “This update is currently rolling out globally and will be …

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500 million year old bacteria offer an explanation

500 million year old bacteria offer an explanation

The eye has always been troublesome. Even Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution struggled to explain the evolution of this complicated eyeball. A new discovery in which bacteria more than 500 million years old play an important role now brings more clarity. American researchers have evidence found for the exchange of gene packages between bacteria and vertebrates. Their new study focuses …

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You can see it in Radar – Radar on Monday, April 24

You can see it in Radar – Radar on Monday, April 24

Radar can be seen again on television next Monday. This week, we’re looking at European plans for a law that would force electronics makers to carry out repairs. But how does it work exactly? We are also talking about Henricke, she paid hospitalization costs in 2022, without having been hospitalized that year. What is going on? Finally, Fons is investigating …

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Additional Shooting Stars: Lyrid Swarm Peaks | interior

Additional Shooting Stars: Lyrid Swarm Peaks |  interior

With any luck, we will be able to enjoy additional shooting stars tonight with the naked eye. On a clear day, maybe a fortnight per hour thanks to the Lyriden meteor shower passing over the earth, Weerplaza reports. The Lyrid meteor shower peaks on Sunday. Although clouds will move over our country next night, according to meteorologist Raymond Klaassen, it …

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Additional Shooting Stars: Lyrid Swarm Peaks | interior

Additional Shooting Stars: Lyrid Swarm Peaks |  interior

With any luck, we will be able to enjoy additional shooting stars tonight with the naked eye. On a clear day, maybe a fortnight per hour thanks to the Lyriden meteor shower passing over the earth, Weerplaza reports. The Lyrid meteor shower peaks on Sunday. Although clouds will move over our country next night, according to meteorologist Raymond Klaassen, it …

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Tapestry on the loan system: “Big and massive, just like my student debt”

Tapestry on the loan system: “Big and massive, just like my student debt”

Tapestries that tell the stories of their time: they have been around for thousands of years – with her Bayeux Tapestry, about the battle of Hastings in 1066, as the most famous example. The illustrator Mart Veldhuis (1991) now adds one about a reality in 2023: the life of the so-called “unlucky student”. The tapestry shows the lives of students …

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SEGA acquires Rovio, developer of Angry Birds | Technology

SEGA acquires Rovio, developer of Angry Birds |  Technology

17 apr 2023 om 11:33 Rovio Entertainment, the developer of the popular game angry Birds, is acquired by the game publisher SEGA. The game maker had been looking for a buyer for some time. SEGA pays 706 million euros for the acquisition. Takeover was in the air, business newspaper The Wall Street Journal signaled this weekend that an agreement was …

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Hubble lifts a corner of the veil

Hubble lifts a corner of the veil

This veil is the edge of a supernova explosion that occurred about ten thousand years ago. The space photo of the week is a beautiful image of part of a supernova remnant in the constellation Cygnus. This is the Veil Nebula. This remnant is more than 2,000 light-years from Earth, but more than 100 light-years in diameter. Viewed from Earth’s …

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