About 150 Russian opposition members arrested during a meeting | NOW

About 150 Russian opposition members arrested during a meeting |  NOW

Russian police arrested around 150 people on Saturday at a meeting of independent and opposition politicians in Moscow. They are accused of having links with an “undesirable organization”, according to the protest monitoring group OVD-Info and Russian media. The forum, scheduled for Saturday and Sunday, was to be a gathering of city delegates from across the country, Andrej Pivovarov, organizer …

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Movie: Albatross Hard Landing, Goes Viral

Movie: Albatross Hard Landing, Goes Viral

A goofy albatross in New Zealand has been a lot of fun this week. The large seabird tried to land safely, but ended up a bit sadly. And it was filmed! There is a wildlife camera at a nature reserve in New Zealand, so people can watch the animals in the area live. As if the albatross knew, he decided …

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Surprise on the new Cyclocross calendar: Cover on February 12th

Surprise on the new Cyclocross calendar: Cover on February 12th

UCI has released the Cyclocross Calendar 2021-2022. Some changes in this compared to previous years. Most eye-catching: Transfer the Super Prestige branch from Cover, one of the classics in the world of cyclocross, to February. It does not make anyone happy. The Belgian cyclocross season begins on September 11 with the Etios Cross in Logeran. In the coming weeks, only …

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Controversial skunk Pepé Le Pew not seen in Space Jam 2 | NOW

Controversial skunk Pepé Le Pew not seen in Space Jam 2 |  NOW

The cartoon character Pepé Le Pew is not seen in the film Space Jam 2. Hollywood journalist reports Monday that the French-accented skunk, according to critics, is normalizing sexually transgressive behavior. The noise around the character arose after The New York Times last Sunday opinion piece about problematic cartoon characters. The play was inspired by the news that six books …

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Monster Energy Supercross 4 | Science

Monster Energy Supercross 4 |  Science

Kilos of mud have already taken to the air in the 2021 Monster Energy Supercross and now you can do it right from your living room with the sports official game. The fourth game in the series offers you a realistic racing experience, but one that will really blow your mind! What is that? Talk to a motocross fan and …

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Which companies received state aid in the second round of NOW?

Which companies received state aid in the second round of NOW?

Differences The differences in Zeeland are great. Goes is absolutely and relatively in the lead. Entrepreneurs and foundations in this municipality received $ 6.2 million from the NOW-2 pot. That’s converted 164 euros for each Goesenaar. Menu Noord-Beveland comes at the bottom of the list with less than four hundred thousand euros, all companies combined. But compared to the number …

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Rest is a concept relating to Raqqa

Rest is a concept relating to Raqqa

In other Syrian cities, demonstrators overwhelmingly occupied squares and intersections in 2011. In Raqqa, residents first look at the cat out of the tree. Like Thaer Dardoush, 43, who was working as a teacher at the time: “I only watched demonstrations at the beginning, my legs didn’t want to go.” In 2012, a year after the uprising began, a teenage …

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Complete list of countries open to international tourism

Complete list of countries open to international tourism

In an effort to clarify regulatory security, the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) publishes a list of countries that differ between countries closed to international tourism; Those who have opted for partial closure; PCR or other tests may be necessary; And those who remove all activities and travel restrictions. As published favorite.comUNWTO recently revealed that at the end of February, 69 …

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G7 expresses concerns about ‘democracy erosion’ in Hong Kong


The G7 is deeply concerned about China’s decision to change Hong Kong’s electoral system. The G7 foreign ministers said in a joint statement that the decision would erode democratic content in Beijing. The G7, which includes the United States, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom and Japan, called on the Chinese and Hong Kong authorities to “restore confidence in …

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Twelve new infections in Terneuzen in one day

Twelve new infections in Terneuzen in one day

New infections were counted between Sunday 10:00 a.m. and Monday 10:00 a.m. Five infections were identified in the municipalities of Middelburg and Hulst, three in Schouwen-Duiveland, two in Borsele, Noord-Beveland, Sluis, Tholen and Vlissingen each, Goes and Reimerswaal one each. With 37 new reports, Zeeland is again well above the signal value of 27 infections per day. Rolling week The …

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Inspectors will have more possibilities for field testing on the job …

Inspectors will have more possibilities for field testing on the job ...

The labor inspectorate may also carry out on its own initiative field tests and mystery calls to detect discrimination. Existing legislation will be adapted for this purpose. In practice, it was almost impossible to use these resources under the current rules. This emerges from a proposal that Minister Pierre-Yves Dermagne (PS) has prepared. “A bill has been introduced with the …

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Russia wants prisoners to clean up the Arctic | Abroad

Russia wants prisoners to clean up the Arctic |  Abroad

Alexandr Kalashnikov instructed the regional heads of his department to draw up this plan. Agreements have already been made with the administration of Norilsk, an industrial city in northern Siberia heavily polluted by mining activities. In this region, mining giant Norilsk Nicke suffered an environmental disaster last year, as 21,000 tonnes of fuel spilled into rivers. The red color that …

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Staatsbosbeheer is fighting against the yellow lily

Staatsbosbeheer is fighting against the yellow lily

“data-revoke =”“> The factory is approached in four ways. Helmut van Pelt from Staatsbosbeheer: “We cut the thick lawns of the meadow, remove the root of the plant and everything else and put the sod back in. Another method is to mow the plot and vacuum the clippings with a lawn mower. sod. The third method is to loosen and …

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31 countries rarely criticize human rights abuses in Egypt | Now

31 countries rarely criticize human rights abuses in Egypt |  Now

At a meeting of the UN Human Rights Council on Friday, 31 countries expressed rare criticism of human rights abuses in Egypt. For the first time since 2014, several European countries, including the United States, Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the Netherlands, have signed a joint statement. In Egypt, under President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, human rights abuses and restrictions on …

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