Ukraine has moved the date of public holidays, including Christmas

Ukraine has moved the date of public holidays, including Christmas

Ukraine has officially moved the date of Christmas celebration to December 25. Parliament has approved a bill to this effect. Two other public holidays will also be moved. With the change, Ukraine wants to distance itself further from Russia. According to the Orthodox Christian calendar, Christmas should be celebrated on January 7. This was also the practice of the Ukrainian …

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Greens: With a good game, the atmosphere of the 2019 World Cup can return

Greens: With a good game, the atmosphere of the 2019 World Cup can return

Midfielder Jackie Groenen knows that Orange football players may have to try a little harder than in other years to get the Dutch behind them in droves. The fact that the tournament takes place in Australia and New Zealand means that fewer fans travel. Also, not everyone will set the alarm to watch football players play at night. But according …

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Phillips sees an increase in injury claims around ventilators in the US

Phillips sees an increase in injury claims around ventilators in the US

Phillips sees a rebound in the number of personal injury cases in the United States. Hundreds of individual claims have now been filed by Americans due to health complaints related to the recalled Philips inhalers and breathing devices. The number of personal injury claims in the US has increased by 150 since April of this year. In a presentation of …

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India Launches Trolley Into Space For Unique Mission To Lunar South Pole

India Launches Trolley Into Space For Unique Mission To Lunar South Pole

The launch of Chandryaan-3 was watched by thousands of spectators at the Satish Dhawan Space Center and its surroundings in Sriharikota, southern India.ImageAFP The mission, Chandrayaan-3, is seen primarily as a signal to the outside world that India has the knowledge and technology to participate in the new space race. In recent years, the focus has mainly been on commercial …

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Sources: ASML restrictions on exports to China are still strict

Sources: ASML restrictions on exports to China are still strict

Photo: ANP Dutch chip maker ASML’s exports to China could be further tightened. Sources tell Bloomberg News. It is already known that from September ASML will be able to supply only certain machines to China. But supplies to some Chinese factories may now be halted by the US, the sources said. For example, this could include doing business with a …

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Tax advisor Linda de Mol and Afrojack arrested

Tax advisor Linda de Mol and Afrojack arrested

Frank has set up tax builds for celebrities including Linda de Mol and Afrojack. According to the FD, which is based on the US extradition request, the New York prosecution suspects the Dutchman of having thwarted the collection of taxes on 100 million dollars of income. “I understand from his Italian lawyer that the arrest is linked to an alleged …

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AI is right: winter time is better than summer time

AI is right: winter time is better than summer time

Scienceā€¢Jul 14, 23 7:43 PMAuthor: Samuel Hanegreefs In the ‘Q&AI’ section in which a question is asked to the artificial intelligence, the chatbot indicates that winter time is better than summer time. “It’s true,” says biologist Marijke Gordijn. When the chatbot is faced with the eternal dilemma of whether summer time or winter time is best for us, it gives …

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James Webb Telescope finds possible evidence for dark stars | Science

James Webb Telescope finds possible evidence for dark stars |  Science

14 jul 2023 om 14:00Update: 2 uur geleden The James Webb Telescope observed three galaxies that may contain dark stars. This could help physicists explain why there are so many black holes in space. Three American astrophysicists have already investigated the possible existence of dark stars. The birth of dark stars is driven by dark matter, say scientists. This is …

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Vera Pauw interrupts her training match with Ireland after a ‘hard game’ Colombia | Women’s World Cup

Vera Pauw interrupts her training match with Ireland after a ‘hard game’ Colombia |  Women’s World Cup

The Women’s World Cup kicks off in Australia and New Zealand in six days. Most of the 32 participating countries are gradually finishing their preparations for the tournament. For example, today Australia and France trained at Melbourne’s Docksland Stadium in front of no less than 50,000 fans: 1-0. Spain won no less than 9-0 against Orange’s opponents Vietnam, while Ireland’s …

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A History of Bones – The DocUpdate

A History of Bones – The DocUpdate

Annina Van Neel / VPRO Everybody stand up Saint Helena know the story of Napoleon Bonaparte. The French general and dictator (1769-1821) spent the last six years of his life on the island in the Atlantic Ocean, about two thousand kilometers west of Africa. His grave is still considered a tourist attraction. But what do the islanders and their visitors …

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Basque-Groningen Oranjeleeuwin Damaris Egurrola (23) learned to play football at Ten Boer and Sauwerd and will make his World Cup debut. “Only football made me happy”

Basque-Groningen Oranjeleeuwin Damaris Egurrola (23) learned to play football at Ten Boer and Sauwerd and will make his World Cup debut.  “Only football made me happy”

His full name is Damaris Berta Egurrola-Wienke. The football star with Basque-Groningian parents will soon make his World Cup debut for the Orange Lionesses. “Only football made me happy.” 23-year-old Orange player Damaris Egurrola says she resembles her mother Alda de Ten Boer in terms of character. ,,I can be shy, but at the same time watch carefully what is …

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7 essential tips for running on vacation

7 essential tips for running on vacation

You can use it every Monday Runner’s World Instagram Account send all your burning questions running. This week we answer the question of Sharon Janssen (sharon.runs): ‘What’s the best way to keep training while on vacation?’ A question too? Keep an eye on our Instagram stories and respond Monday morning with your question. Who knows, you might find the answer …

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