Tax advisor Linda de Mol and Afrojack arrested

Frank has set up tax builds for celebrities including Linda de Mol and Afrojack. According to the FD, which is based on the US extradition request, the New York prosecution suspects the Dutchman of having thwarted the collection of taxes on 100 million dollars of income.

“I understand from his Italian lawyer that the arrest is linked to an alleged flight risk, but this is of course completely absurd because he has been under house arrest for almost three months, which is very strict”, explains the attorney Annabel Vissers.

Vissers says his client disagrees. He would have always acted within the legal framework by advising artists to settle in other countries on paper. “Precisely because his advice was prompted by loopholes in the law, as a result of which artists faced double taxation,” she says.

Frank should not be extradited to the United States anytime soon. The new arrest by the Italian police has launched a procedure that could take time.

Xenia Kasper, manager of Linda de Mol, informs RTL Boulevard: “Frank Butselaar left his post at the Linda Foundation some time ago. Regarding Linda de Mol: it is not true that it has anything to do with her. This case and the extradition request from the United States relates only to his work for various DJs.”

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