New Covid Isolation Guidance: What an Immunologist Recommends if You Test Positive

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) is considering recommending a new isolation period for individuals who test positive for Covid-19 as soon as April. Currently, the CDC advises a 5-day isolation period for those who test positive, but they may be moving towards a more individualized approach based on symptoms and fever.

Experts such as Dr. Purvi Parikh have expressed concerns about the potential false sense of security and continued contagiousness that may result from this new recommendation. However, not all experts are opposed to the idea, with some believing that simpler guidelines may increase adherence to isolation protocols.

Michael T. Osterholm suggests that recommendations should be based on what people are actually willing to do. The new recommendation has not been officially approved yet, but Dr. Parikh recommends staying home until being fever-free for 24 hours without the use of medication and seeing improvement in symptoms.

It is important to note that some individuals may experience milder symptoms without fever, but can still be contagious and spread the virus. As the CDC continues to evaluate and potentially update their guidelines, it is essential for individuals to stay informed and follow recommended protocols to prevent the spread of Covid-19. Stay tuned to Dodo Finance for more updates on this developing situation.

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