Dodo Finances Top iPhone Keyboard Trick for Lightning-Fast Number Typing

Title: iPhone Users Discover Little-Known Keyboard Tricks: Enhancing Typing Experience

Word Count: 326

As the iPhone celebrates its 17th anniversary, users continue to uncover surprising features and tricks on Apple’s iconic device. In a recent Reddit post on the r/apple subreddit, one user discussed their transition from an Android phone to an iPhone, highlighting a particular complaint about the iPhone keyboard.

The user described the iPhone’s keyboard as “garbage,” prompting a lively discussion among other Redditors. However, amidst the conversation, an ingenious trick was shared that could potentially change the way iPhone users view their keyboard.

One helpful Redditor revealed an obscure keyboard trick: by long-pressing the 123 button and dragging the desired number, the keyboard automatically switches back to the letters, eliminating the need for manual switching. This clever workaround not only saves time but also enhances the overall typing experience.

Expanding on this trick, another Reddit user suggested an efficient way to type numbers or symbols without constantly switching back and forth. By holding down the 123 button with one finger, users can effortlessly type numbers or symbols, releasing the button to return to the primary keyboard.

Fortunately, these keyboard features are not exclusive to the latest iPhone models. Owners of older iPhones can also benefit from these tricks, allowing them to enjoy faster and easier typing.

Interestingly, an ex-Apple employee recently shed some light on additional keyboard tricks that users may find handy. In an article covered by BGR and shared by esteemed colleague Chris Smith, the former employee revealed a series of keyboard features. These hidden gems, unfortunately often overlooked, can further simplify and improve the iPhone typing experience.

Whether it’s creatively typing numbers or effortlessly switching between letters and symbols, these hidden keyboard tricks demonstrate the ongoing innovation behind Apple’s iconic device. As iPhone users continue to unveil little-known features, it’s evident that the device has much more to offer than meets the eye. So, next time you find yourself typing away on your iPhone, remember to explore these secret keyboard shortcuts for a smoother user experience.

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