Dodo Finance: Five cases of measles confirmed in Florida school outbreak

An outbreak of measles has hit Manatee Bay Elementary School in Weston, Florida, with six confirmed cases since Friday. The affected individuals’ ages or grades have not been disclosed, but the Florida Department of Health in Broward County is actively working with partners to trace at-risk contacts.

It is unclear if those infected had been vaccinated, even though the MMR vaccine is 97% effective after two doses. As a precautionary measure, the school district has undertaken deep cleaning and replaced air filters.

Florida’s statewide MMR vaccination rate stands at around 91%, falling below the 95% threshold recommended by the World Health Organization for herd immunity. Measles, a highly contagious disease, presents symptoms such as cough, runny nose, fever, and rash.

This year has witnessed 20 reported measles cases across 11 states, sparking concerns over vaccine hesitancy fueling outbreaks. Dr. Charles Mitchell from the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine stressed the crucial role of vaccination as there are no known treatments or cures for measles.

The situation at Manatee Bay Elementary School underscores the urgency for community immunity through vaccination. Amidst the rising global threat of vaccine-preventable diseases, health officials urge the public to prioritize immunization to safeguard both individual and public health. Stay informed on the latest developments on measles and vaccination efforts on Dodo Finance.

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